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[vsnet-discovery-nova 20] Re: More on IM Nor

>    The nearest USNO stars is located at:
>   153926.298 -521918.85 (2000.0) 18.2 19.4

  It seems from USNO_A1.0, which is 

153926.378 -521918.66 (2000.0) 17.0 17.9

in USNO_A2.0.

  Actually, on DSS2 I or R image, this "star" is composed of at least
three stars, line-uping ENE-WSW.  Liller's position is moderately
coinsident with the most eastern star, whose rough position end
figures are: 26s.42, 17".9. 

Sincerely Yours,
Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan

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