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[vsnet-chat 5330] (fwd) R Cas and Comet Ikeya-Zhang

Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 14:49:52 -0300 (ART)
From: <costeira1@yahoo.com>
Subject: R Cas and Comet Ikeya-Zhang

      Hello Kato!

      I'm not sending this message to vsnet-obs 'cause it's

   Well, Dr Denis Denissenko( denis@hea.iki.rssi.ru - Space Research
Institute, Moscow, Russia) wrote to Comets-ml an interisting account.
Two images taken in April 11 - 12 showed a bright object (m~5.0) near
Comet Ikeya-Zhang. This object was positioned at same R Cas point.
But visual observations circa April 12 reported R Cas at 9th
magnitude (AAVSO and VSNET obs.). The images was taken by Mr

  Other official associations was contacted:

Mr N.N.Samus from Sternberg Astronomy Institute (Moscow) - contacted
by Denissenko
Dr Janet Mattei from AAVSO - contacted by A.Amorim (AAX)
CBAT - contacted by Korneev

   Dr Denissenko think that we have to obtain explanations in that
associations, including CCD imagery experts, and NO contact media
like SKY or Astronomy magazine.

   The most intriguing point in the whole story is that Korneev saw
the star visually at first before taking CCD exposures.

   Bellow there are links to images:

1) Korneev's image in April 11:

2)  Korneev's image in April 12:

3) Kiesel's image in April 10:

4)  Kiesel's image in April 10:(with notes by AAX)

    Informations about Korneev's equipament:

Jupiter 37A lense (f=135 mm) + CCD SONY ICX083AL

    With regards,

    Alexandre Amorim

********* Alexandre Amorim ***********
*        Estacao  Costeira1          *
*         Florianopolis/SC           *
*    email: costeira1@yahoo.com      *
* http://vsnet.geocities.com/costeira1 *

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