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[vsnet-chat 5005] Chart of GSC 4822 0039

For visual observers we have placed a chart with 1.0 x 1.3 degree field
of GSC 4822 0039 (possible nova in Mon?) at our homepage, at the
following URL:


Comparison stars down to magnitude 10.7 with B-V<1.0 (and a few with
slightly redder colours) were selected from Tycho-1.
The star is easily located about half a degree NE of 19 Mon.

Reinder Bouma/Edwin van Dijk
Reinder J. Bouma    e-mail (1): rjbouma@wxs.nl or rjbouma@planet.nl
Bekemaheerd 77      e-mail (2): comets.nl@12move.nl
9737PR Groningen    homepage: http://vsnet.shopplaza.nl/astro/
The Netherlands     phone: +31 (0)50-5418227

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