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[vsnet-chat 4621] MISAO Variables: Guide TDF update therefor

Some little while ago I posted a TDF to enable Guide users to plot MISAO
variables.  VSNET turned out to be coincidentally down at the time and the
email probably never got thro'.

Notwithstanding that, some recent cross identification work as well as the
even more recent release of Name List 76, in which a large number of MISAO
variables have achieved official GCVS names, have led to Seiichi Yoshida
naturally needing to update the format of the main ascii source file for
MISAO data, namely http://vsnet.aerith.net/misao/public/misv.dat (as
mentioned in a very recent chat posting).

Consequently, I've updated the TDF to enable this file to be read and the
objects plotted in Guide 7.

Download the above misv.dat file into your Guide directory.

Cut and paste the following TDF code into a text editor or similar.  Use
the ! characters to check for wordwrap... ...they should only occur at line
start and line end, if not edit until correct.  Then globally remove them
with search and replace else the code will not work.

Save the resultant file as MISAO.TDF into your Guide directory/folder.

The objects default to being on and being visible in field sizes of ten
degrees or less.

The identifying symbols are labelled crosses.  The colour code I use for
MISAO objects is brown for the same highly esoteric reason that the
prerelease MISAO candidates found by PIXY are colour coded yellow by me ;)

GOTO TDF will bring up the appropriate toggle user dataset dialogue.  Click
on MISAO variables to enter an object, but _note_ that MisV is already
encoded, so you only need to enter the objects _number_ to go to it.
HOWEVER, this script only handles data as strings, so the MisV numbers must
be entered as string values, not numerical ones.  That is, if you want to
go to MisV0001 you have to enter 0001 into the Go To dialogue, and not 1.
All numbers must be padded out to 4 digits with preceding zeros where
necessary.  You do not need to type the MisV prefix, indeed, it will not
work if you do.



John Greaves, UK

-------------------------start snip------------------------------
!file MisV.dat!
!title MISAO Variables!
!RA H  11  2!
!RA M  13  2!
!RA S  15  5!
!de d  21  3!
!de m  24  2!
!de s  26  4!
!text  5  4!
!~b  1   8 %s\n!
!~b 86  10 %s\n!
!~r 11   9 \nR A 2000:   %R\n!
!~r 21   9 Dec2000:  %D\n\n!
!~b 32  15 Mag Range:  %s\n!
!~b 52   7 \nType  :  %s\n\n!
!~b 52 0   \nType Unknown\n\n!
!~r 60   6 \nPeriod  :  %s days\n!
!~r 72  10 Epoch  :  JD %s\n\n!
!~r 97  10 \nGSC %s\n!
!~r108  14 \nUSNO A2.0 : %s\n!
!~r  1   1 NOTE : USNO A2.0 labels are _not_ official\n!
!~r134  14 \n2MASS J%s\n!
!~r122  11 \nIRAS %s\n!
!~r149  65 \nOther : %s\n!
!~r215  12 \n\nDiscovery Date  :  %s\n!
!~r227 100 Discoverers  :  %s\n!
!~r  1   1 \nSource : http://vsnet.aerith.net/misao/public/misv.dat\n!
!pref MisV!
!epoch 2000!
!type sc6;m-1,-1;l-18,-18;m-1,1;l-18,18;m1,-1;l18,-18;m1,1;l18,18;!
!label spaces!
!goto spaces!
!goto case!
!field 0 100!
!mag lim 0!
!shown 1!
-----------------------end snip-----------------------------

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