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[vsnet-chat 4571] Re: [vsnet-id 472] MisV and 2MASS identifications

>> MisV1024  1.6"  2MASS 200135.611 +335902.75 (2000.0)  7.312  5.861  6.583  0.729
>> This is very interesting. MisV1024 is identified with IRAS 19596+3350
>> and S-type star NSS 49. So it must be a red variable. However, the
>> 2MASS J-K value is very small. I do not know why.

     I have confirmed the ID of this star, and it looks reasonable, since
it appers in the Stephenson reddened star list (1992AJ....103..263S) as
well as the MSX catalogue, 2MASS, and IRAS---all with accordant positions.
The star is not in USNO-A2.0 since it is invisible on the POSS-I blue plate.
     The 2MASS photometry shows no uncertainty listed for the K-band
magnitude, and this is a sign either of saturation or that there was some
error in the data-reduction.  Thus the J-K color is suspect, and the fact
that it is not red is not significant.


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