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[vsnet-chat 3812] New Features at Bellatrix Observatory Website

Dear Colleagues,
after a lot of months of deep work, I completely renewed the website of the Bellatrix
Astronomical Observatory.

There, you can find a lot of information about astronomical events, CCD images, meteo
forecasts, poetry in the night, constellation mythology.

I've just added a java chat room, so we can now discuss about astronomical argument via
web, without the need of other clients.

I want to invite to enjoy all these news, so point your browser to


Also, at Bellatrix Observatory, we have just created a new section, called "Image of the
Week". We plan to post there a very interesting amateur image each week. Not only
beautyful, but also interesting pictures will be considered. We look forward to see your
image. In any
case, please visit first the link below:


I think that people on this list can partecipate with a lot of interesting images,
displaying important objects in outburst, SNe and so.


All the best,
Gianluca Masi
* Gianluca Masi                           "Two things fill the soul   *
* Via Madonna de Loco, 47               with awe and reverence [...]: *
* 03023 Ceccano (FR)                     the starry sky above me and  *
* ITALY                                    the moral law within me"   *
* e-mail: gianmasi@fr.flashnet.it                                     *
* web:  http://vsnet.eurolink.it/comets/                  I. Kant       *
* Minor Planet Center Obs. Code: 470 - Ceccano                        *
* Center for Backyard Astrophysics - Italy                            *
* VSNET Collaboration Team member                                     *

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