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[vsnet-chat 3744] Delta Velorum (primary) eclipse

Dear friends:
                      Unfortunately most of the world suffered from cloudy
skies last night, just when we needed to confirm the eclipse of delta
                      Albert Jansen from South Africa was the only person
that I know of who could observe the star.

20001031.90       1.95   Albert Jansen
20001101.85          21   Albert Jansen
20001101.90          24   Albert Jansen
20001101.95          23   Albert Jansen
20001102.00          24   Albert Jansen
20001102.05          21   Albert Jansen
20001102.10          20   Albert Jansen

Albert suggests that the eclipse was shorter than predicted. However this
was expected since both the beginning and the end of the eclipse are
probably very difficult to detect visually.
Besides the sequence is not good, so small brightness differences are
difficult to detect.
Anyway, his observations confirm there was an eclipse near near the
predicted time and this leads us to the night of November 21st for a final
confirmation of the 45.164-day period.

If someone else could observe the star, please report it!

Best wishes,
Sebastian Otero,

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