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[vsnet-chat 3609] Re: [vsnet-obs 29658] Dwarf Nova V1062 Cyg Misidentified ?

After examining the POSS image of the field in question and my own notes
regarding the seemingly wrong position of the variable, I tend to believe
that I may have been glimpsing one or both of the faint stars near the 144
comp on the AAVSO E chart.

However, my initial observations were of a star much brighter than 149.
According to my notes, I was able to see the 149 and the 144 comp at the
time of the initial observation on Aug.21. Obviously, when the moon isn't in
play (as on 812 and 913), I have been seeing a star that is brighter than
144 but fainter than the 149 (which I can glimpse on nights of good seeing.)

Does this clear up anything? I doubt it.

CYGV1062       000812.244  <139  SXN.AAVSO
CYGV1062       000820.296  <144  SXN.AAVSO
CYGV1062       000821.226   146: SXN.AAVSO   ACTIVE
CYGV1062       000825.201   146: SXN.AAVSO   ACTIVE???
CYGV1062       000905.254   147  SXN.AAVSO   ACTIVE
CYGV1062       000906.160   146: SXN.AAVSO   ACTIVE
CYGV1062       000913.240  <139  SXN.AAVSO

Possibilities are-
1- outburst followed by observations of faint field stars
2- no outburst, just observations of nearby field stars
3- strange object, long outburst
4- spurious observations of non existent object- (I think this will get
Greaves' vote!)

Apologies to my friends who I convinced to observe this star as long as they
were doing V1060 anyway, and any undue embarrassment/ confusion it may have
caused. Especially Maciej, who has now dubbed it the "Bloody Simonsen Star"!

I'm sure we will get to the bottom of this one day. As usual, better charts
for visual observers pushing the limit will help.
(Hint, hint- is there a Henden sequence for this field?)

M. Simonsen

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