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[vsnet-chat 3417] Charts and sequences

Dear Observers,

Over the last couple of weeks we have prepared charts for several
variables (mostly CV's and novae) that have good photoelectric sequences
published, but have no or inadequate charts. These new charts can now be
viewed at, and downloaded from our new homepage, currently under
construction at the following URL:
Sofar the following sequences are available: CI Aql, V1494 Aql, S Ari,
V705 Cas, V723 Cas, RZ Sge and QW Ser.
We welcome your comments and suggestions for additional stars...

Best regards,
Reinder Bouma/Edwin van Dijk

Reinder J. Bouma          email: rjbouma@wxs.nl
Bekemaheerd 77               or: rjbouma@planet.nl
9737PR Groningen
The Netherlands           phone: +31 (0)50-5418227

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