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[vsnet-chat 3357] Re: [vsnet-campaign-nova 26] V382 Vel

Hi VSNET readers and observers,

as promised herewith my present set of reference magnitudes for V382 Vel. They are the ones relevant to my recent observations and originate from Tycho 2. 
I have no access to GSC codes..

TYC2 / RA-DE / BT / VT / V-derived ((B-V)-derived) / Remark 

1423  /  104424.0-522127 / 10.58 / 10.05 / 100 (0.5)  /  OK *
1225  /  104436.4-522050 / 11.35 / 10.86 / 108 (0.5) / OK!
23  /  104450.7-522856 / 12.10 / 10.62 /  105 (1.4) / too red, not OK!
1099 /  104525.9-522420 / 10.86 / 10.74 / 107 (0.1) /  OK!
500  / 104550.4-523129 / 11.21 / 10.69 / 106 (0.5) / eclipser but OK 

* this star is much brighter than the nova since quite some time now and not relevant anymore to (my) recent observations. However it is possible that other observers might see this one as the next brighter one to V382..?!? 
My remarks are personal opinions based on the nova being not red! 
I hope this sequence and the following discussion will sort out eventual discrepancies in reported observations of this bright nova. It deserves an accurate lightcurve.

Note: In general I do 'speak' for myself based on own opinions. They have landed me in trouble before (and certainly will continue doing so in future...).

Best regards from a sunny and wintery (?) Pretoria,


>>> Taichi Kato <tkato@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp> 07/04/00 10:07AM >>>
V382 Vel

   For everyone's analysis, I list recent estimates of V382 Vel:

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20000429.116   104  (E. van Ballegoij)
  20000429.473   102  (P. Williams)
  20000430.488   102  (P. Williams)
  20000502.589   103  (A. Pearce)
  20000502.589   103  (A. Pearce)
  20000503.569   103  (A. Pearce)
  20000504.535   104  (A. Pearce)
  20000505.556   104  (A. Pearce)
  20000505.740   106  (B. Monard)
  20000506.566   104  (A. Pearce)
  20000507.428   105  (P. Williams)
  20000507.490   103  (P. Williams)
  20000507.541   104  (A. Pearce)
  20000508.581   104  (A. Pearce)
  20000510.699   107  (B. Monard)
  20000511.470   103  (P. Williams)
  20000511.548   105  (A. Pearce)
  20000512.444   103  (P. Williams)
  20000513.505   105  (A. Pearce)
  20000513.680   108  (B. Monard)
  20000517.550   103  (A. Pearce)
  20000518.484   104  (A. Pearce)
  20000518.522   104  (A. Pearce)
  20000519.540   104  (A. Pearce)
  20000521.493   103  (A. Pearce)
  20000521.712   108  (B. Monard)
  20000522.474   103  (A. Pearce)
  20000522.516   103  (A. Pearce)
  20000523.453   103  (A. Pearce)
  20000524.432   103  (P. Williams)
  20000524.541   103  (A. Pearce)
  20000525.485   103  (A. Pearce)
  20000526.456   103  (A. Pearce)
  20000527.033   106  (E. van Ballegoij)
  20000601.479   104  (A. Pearce)
  20000602.465   102  (P. Williams)
  20000603.730   108  (B. Monard)
  20000604.040   109  (S. Otero)
  20000605.456   104  (A. Pearce)
  20000606.428   102  (P. Williams)
  20000608.508   103  (A. Pearce)
  20000611.496   103  (A. Pearce)
  20000617.459   103  (A. Pearce)
  20000622.690   108  (B. Monard)
  20000626.685   108  (B. Monard)
  20000627.519   104  (A. Pearce)
  20000629.502   106  (A. Pearce)
  20000630.017   110  (S. Otero)
  20000701.701   109  (B. Monard)

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