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[vsnet-chat 3305] re SY Cir

Taichi Kato wrote:

> The identification is not secure. Since several RV Tau candidates
> later
> turned out to be CVs, this object would deserve further dense
> observations.

A keyword search on SY Cir at the ADS gives this abstract link:-


[which will have wrapped in transmission].

The full article is not available online, unfortunately, for me to check
whether the southern star SY Cir is actually mentioned fully in this
copy of Baltic Astronomy Vol 6 p133 [Author Dennis W Dawson, 1997].

The following snippet showing the abstract *suggests* that SY Cir has
been examined re variability type in this paper, however.

Anybody got a non-ecopy [you know, paper and ink]?

> Pulsation occurs in late-type giant and supergiant stars under a wide range of atmospheric conditions
> and evolutionary stages. Long observational baselines are necessary to distinguish pulsation behaviors.
> Spectrographic and photometric observations of a variety of late-type pulsators are considered in the
> context of light-curve taxonomy and changing atmospheric conditions.



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