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[vsnet-chat 2882] discord of constellation of GCVS variable stars

Dear colleagues,

Taichi Kato told me that T Leo is not in Leo, but in Virgo. Then I
tried to list up such variable stars not in the same constellation as
its name. 

Here is the list. The name list 75 is not included here.

SX ANT is in Pyx
FZ APS is in TrA
V634 ARA is in Aps
BG AUR is in Tau
VY CAP is in Aqr
V349 CAS is in Per
R CEP is in UMi
BQ COM is in Boo
V1523 CYG is in Cep
SU CVN is in UMa
WX ERI is in Tau
XY HER is in Dra
IP HYA is in Cen
RR HYI is in Oct
T LAC is in Peg
T LEO is in Vir
HK LUP is in Sco
FI NOR is in TrA
CT PER is in Cas
VV PYX is in Pup
V384 SCO is in Sgr
CZ SCT is in Aql
MX SGE is in Aql
V2315 SGE is in Sgr
V1024 SGR is in Sct
V1049 SGR is in Sct
V1050 SGR is in Sct
V3443 SGR is in CrA
ER TAU is in Aur
ES TAU is in Aur
BM VUL is in Peg

Best regards,

Seiichi Yoshida

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