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[vsnet-chat 2505] Millenium

Dear colleagues,
I red several times wishes for the "new millenium". Hey! calm down! I am now 
76 and I do not rather to be aged 1 year in 1 day !  I believed that a 
century has one hundred years, the first century numbered from one to 
hundred, the second from 101 to 200, and so on, and the XXth century from 
1901 to 2000 (31 december). Thus, the XXIth century (and the third millenium) 
will begin at the first of january 2001. Besides - and is it not curiously? - 
the year 2000 is the unique year of the twentieth century (and of the second 
millenium) wich begins with the figure 2 !
Again : happy New Year 2000  and happy New Millenium ... but only in 362 days 
(2000 is exceptionally - again a curiosity - a bissextile year !
Emile Schweitzer - 99-01-04

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