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[vsnet-chat 2191] Revised sequence for V1493 Aql

Here is a revised sequence for V1493 Aql = N. Aquilae 1999. It is
based on recent additional field photometry from Arne Henden.

144  V1493 AQUILAE   (N. 1999)   Range: 8.8-
     Position:   19 07 36.88  +12 31 26.7  (J2000, from .dat file)
     Magnitude:  V=11.642  B-V=1.243       (in .dat file)

ID     RA  (2000)   DEC       X    Y   N    V      ERR     B-V    ERR 

1   19 07 24.9  +12 37 25  -175  358  3   8.378  0.003   0.294  0.007 
2   19 07 14.3  +12 32 22  -332   55  5  10.396  0.008   1.166  0.013 
3   19 07 47.4  +12 36 25   154  298  5  11.688  0.006   0.517  0.014 
4   19 07 32.7  +12 28 27   -62 -180  5  12.003  0.005   1.335  0.012 
5   19 07 16.6  +12 37 34  -297  367  3  12.460  0.030   2.070  0.047 
6   19 07 43.6  +12 33 25    98  118  6  12.815  0.008   0.842  0.009 
7   19 07 51.9  +12 28 02   220 -205  3  13.034  0.008   0.696  0.018 
8   19 07 42.6  +12 32 49    84   82  5  13.203  0.009   0.742  0.029 
9   19 07 50.8  +12 31 07   203  -20  6  13.378  0.006   0.552  0.020 
10  19 07 39.6  +12 35 40    39  253  5  13.689  0.028   2.386  0.110 
11  19 07 40.2  +12 32 46    48   79  2  14.242  0.020   0.612  0.001 
12  19 07 24.5  +12 31 27  -181    0  2  14.299  0.023   0.795  0.003 
13  19 07 34.4  +12 32 03   -36   36  3  14.566  0.017   0.923  0.002 
14  19 07 40.1  +12 34 25    46  178  5  14.727  0.017   0.935  0.012 
15  19 07 40.4  +12 32 31    51   64  3  14.866  0.018   0.933  0.003 
16  19 07 25.9  +12 32 31  -161   64  3  15.267  0.013   0.872  0.004 
17  19 07 35.4  +12 31 46   -23   19  4  15.401  0.021   1.456  0.008 
18  19 07 40.4  +12 32 16    51   49  3  15.863  0.022   1.265  0.003 
19  19 07 36.8  +12 32 13    -1   46  3  16.389  0.029   1.064  0.019 
20  19 07 36.6  +12 31 00    -5  -27  3  16.773  0.014   1.167  0.009 
21  19 07 37.3  +12 31 03     5  -24  3  17.371  0.056   1.574  0.038 

Ron Zissell's sequence, as given on the preliminary AAVSO 'e' chart 
dated 07/1999, agrees with the sequence given here, with only 2 of 
his 14 magnitudes differing by 0.1 magnitude. The remaining 12 stars 
agree exactly when rounded to 0.1 magnitude. 

Star 17 is a close, equal double, with a separation of about 
4 arcsec. The magnitude given here is the combined magnitude.

This sequence extends the AAVSO sequence by an additional two 

Bruce Sumner

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