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[vsnet-chat 1955] Subject: [AAVSO-DIS] UZ Boo

> I don't know UZ Boo at all, but could it possibly be a UGWZ type star
> with 15 year intervals between (super-)outbursts, while in fact there
> might be minor (normal) outburst at shorter intervals, perhaps 39
> days...at magnitudes around 15-16?

    I totally agree with Scovil's view on this particular object.
The published light curve by Glasby (the source reference of this period)
is totally different from what we see now.  I suspect he may have observed
another variable, or all "outbursts" may have been illusions, or the
outburst properties may have drastically changed since.  It may be notable
Glasby reports numerous outbursts of HT Cas and some other dwarf novae
which are now regarded as most infrequent bursters.

    The field of UZ Boo was formerly monitored using a CCD by M. Iida, but
the result was always negative, usually down to 18-th mag.  However, Iida
detected a very faint (mag ~16) outburst of KX Aql, which was not
apparently detected by visual observers and was confirmed by other CCD 

KX Aql is another star having behavior similar to UZ Boo, and there still
remain possibilities this kind of small outbursts have been missed among
these rare bursters.
Taichi Kato

Regretably, I believe that many (if not all!) of Glasby's observations 
have now been discounted and any references using them should be treated 
as highly suspect.

Roger Pickard

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