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[vsnet-chat 1810] V699 Oph discussion (Sumner and Henden) + seq.

V699 Oph discussion (Sumner and Henden) + seq.

From: "Bruce Sumner" <b.sumner@bom.gov.au>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 16:35:05 +1000
Subject: V699 Oph discussion

	Arne has provided an astrometric position:
		16 25 14.75  -04 40 25.8 (J2000)

	The DSS shows a star about magnitude 16 at this position,
and Nikolaus Vogt measured this star photometrically many 
years ago, at V=16.5 B-V=1.2.  A range of 13.9-16.5 is very 
small for a dwarf nova. There is thus still something to be 
learned about this star. Maybe there is a red star extremely 
close to V699 Oph.

	However Arne was not able to observe any close companion. 
He has commented "maybe next month after it has faded, I can 
look for a close companion.  The images look ok -- I don't 
see  anything hidden in the wings, but if for example there 
really is a red star right on top of V699 I might miss it".

I have obtained a sequence for this variable, based on Arne's
field photometry obtained during the last two nights.

131  V699 OPHIUCHI   (UG)   Range: 13.9-<16.5V
     Position:   16 25 14.75  -04 40 25.8 (J2000, from .dat file)
     Magnitude:  V=14.972  B-V=0.322      (from .dat file)

ID     RA  (2000)   DEC       X    Y   N    V      ERR     B-V    ERR 

1   16 25 26.5  -04 39 44   176   42  2  11.878  0.120   0.601  0.031 
2   16 25 35.2  -04 34 33   307  353  2  12.292  0.006   0.471  0.037 
3   16 25 18.9  -04 44 43    63 -257  2  13.216  0.006   1.230  0.022 
4   16 25 28.8  -04 40 24   211    2  2  13.413  0.006   0.797  0.030 
5   16 25 09.1  -04 41 35   -83  -69  2  14.120  0.000   0.963  0.030 
6   16 25 18.7  -04 41 56    60  -90  2  14.290  0.000   1.177  0.024 
7   16 25 26.0  -04 43 09   169 -163  2  14.658  0.000   0.937  0.030 
8   16 25 07.6  -04 39 49  -106   37  2  14.936  0.000   1.278  0.030 
9   16 25 10.8  -04 40 31   -58   -5  2  15.170  0.006   0.826  0.037 
10  16 25 12.4  -04 41 27   -34  -61  2  15.302  0.006   0.955  0.023 
11  16 25 17.0  -04 39 03    34   83  2  15.621  0.000   0.809  0.021 
12  16 25 13.1  -04 39 00   -23   86  2  15.736  0.008   0.859  0.023 
13  16 24 58.8  -04 39 09  -237   77  2  16.187  0.019   0.962  0.006 
14  16 25 12.0  -04 39 57   -41   29  2  16.684  0.011   0.794  0.015 
15  16 25 14.9  -04 40 42     3  -16  2  17.392  0.026   1.385  0.057 

x and y are arcsec offsets, positive to the north & east respectively
Bruce Sumner
23 April 1999

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