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[vsnet-chat 1654] CG CMa

It has been suggested by Taichi Kato and Katsura Matsumoto [vsnet-alert 2670]
that the current outbursting star is not identical to the 
Duerbeck counterpart.  My CCD data from 990223 indicate that
there is a fainter (16mag) star hidden in the wings of the outbursting
star, located about 2arcsec west of that star.  This would support
Kato/Matsumoto's idea.  Likewise, Patrick Schmeer noted that
the outburst amplitude is smaller than normal DN.  Again, if the
USNO-A star is either not the counterpart, or is a blended image
with the counterpart, then the amplitude will be compromised by
the additional flux from the companion.  This is similar to
V446 Her and UW Per.  CG CMa is on the observing list for my
March run.

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