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[vsnet-chat 205] Conference in Brno, CZ

                    The official announcement

Nicholas Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium in Brno and
the B.R.N.O. - Variable Star Section of the Czech Astronomical
Society are glad to invite you to

                            BRNO 1997

The conference will be held in the estates of Nicholas Copernicus
Observatory and Planetarium in Brno, Czech Republic on November,
7 - 9, 1997.
     The international conference will be particularly concerned
with all aspects of variable star astronomy - observation, data
processing, astrophysics of variable stars.
     The organizers have had more than 30-year tradition of
uninterrupted observational and publication activities in the
field of variable stars, almost so long a tradition of holding
national conferences and 10 years of international contacts. They
have a nice hall of Brno Planetarium (190 seats) with its
accessories to their disposal. Organizers hope they will be able
to prepare the conference in corresponding standard, and thus to
start tradition of international conferences on variable star
research being held in Brno in two-year intervals.
     Furthermore, this year's conference will be preceded by
20th Conference on Stellar Astronomy of Czech and Slovak
professional astronomers (November, 5-7), so it has a good chance
to become a wide forum for the discussions among professional and
amateur astronomers from many countries dealing with variable
stars. Up to now organizers have received 40 preliminary
applications for attendance of persons from 12 European

The Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC):

Zdenek Mikulasek - N. Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium in
     Brno, Czech Republic, chairperson
Ivan Sergejevic Andronov - Astronomical Institute in Odessa,
Jiri Borovicka - Astronomical Institute CAS, Ondrejov, Czech
Drahomir Chochol - Astronomical Institute SAS, Tatranska Lomnica,
     Slovak Republic
Petr Hadrava - Astronomical Institute CAS, Ondrejov, Czech
Chris Sterken - Faculty of Sciences, University of Brussels,
Marek Wolf - Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics FMP ChU,
     Prague, Czech Republic

Local Organizing Committee (LOC):

Miloslav Zejda - chairperson,
Jiri Dusek, Petr Hajek, Jan Hollan, Iva Malisova, Jan Safar,
Jindrich Silhan (all N. Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium
in Brno, Czech Republic)

Working language: English

Admitted working languages: Czech, Slovak - always with English

Papers: The time allocated for an invited review paper is about
60 minutes, while the time allowed for oral presentation of
a contributed paper on your results is about 20 minutes. We
recommend to use the possibility of presentation of your
contributions on poster displays. All read papers and chosen
posters will be published in the special conference proceedings.

A registration fee of Kc 300,- or $15 per foreign conferee will
be due on the day of registration. Each participant of the
conference will receive: all information material including
English written summaries of papers, agenda and one issue of
conference proceedings, that will be send him after its

Accommodation, meals: Foreign conference participants will be
accommodated at the nearby Hotel Kozak, Horova 30, Brno, where
the price per one night in the double-room including breakfast is
Kc 690,-. Single rooms are not available in this hotel. Lunches
and evening meals will be ensured at the close restaurant Tivoli,
the mean price of one main meal being about Kc 80,-. (Because of
a declared increasing of price of energy at the second half of
the year one may expect some increasing of all boarding and
lodging expenses probably not exceeding 15 %).

Applications: Kindly fill in the enclosed conference application
form and send it to LOC of the conference as soon as possible.
The remediless dead line for accepting of conference applications
will be August 31st. Till this term remit to us please
(preferably in electronic form) summaries of your contribution,
which will become a part of conference information material.

Contact address: N. Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium, Kravi
hora 2, 616 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: 420 5 41321287
E-mail: qzejda@fee.vutbr.cz (LOC), mikulas@dior.ics.muni.cz

We look forward to meeting you in Brno in November

   Miloslav Zejda                        Zdenek Mikulasek
the Chairperson of LOC                 the Chairperson of SOC

Please feel free to copy this form and to distribute it as
you like. Thank you.


(Send please to e-mail address: qzejda@fee.vutbr.cz, or by
standard mail on the address: Dr. Miloslav Zejda, N. Copernicus
Observatory and Planetarium, Kravi hora 2, 616 00 Brno, Czech

Full Name:


E-mail address:
Telephone:                                            Fax:

My attendance at the International Conference on Variable Star
Research, (November, 7-9)
I will attend                                  Yes     No
I do not expect to attend,
but send me the Final Announcement             Yes     No

My attendance at the 20th Conference on Stellar Astronomy of
Czech and Slovak professional astronomers (November, 5-7)
I want to attend,
send me further information                    Yes     No
I do not expect to attend,
but send me further information                Yes     No

I want to arrange the accommodation in the Hotel Kozak
                Nov. 4./5.                      Yes     No
                Nov. 5./6.                      Yes     No
                Nov. 6./7.                      Yes     No
                Nov. 7./8.                      Yes     No

I am going to choose the accommodation myself:  Yes     No
I order provided lunch and evening meal:
      Nov. 5  lunch:     Yes/No     evening meal:      Yes/No
      Nov. 5  lunch:     Yes/No     evening meal:      Yes/No
      Nov. 5  lunch:     Yes/No     evening meal:      Yes/No
      Nov. 5  lunch:     Yes/No     evening meal:      Yes/No
      Nov. 5  lunch:     Yes/No     evening meal:      Yes/No

When do you intend to arrive to Brno?
           Date:             Approx. Time:
When do you intend to depart from Brno?
           Date:             Approx. Time:
The planned way of your transport to and back:

Will you have a car throughout the meeting?      Yes     No
If yes, do you need driving directions?          Yes     No


Communacation, suggestion to LOC:

         The section for review/contributed papers only

Will you be presenting a paper?                Yes     No
If yes, please complete and return the attached summary form
no later than August 31, 1997.

I will be presenting (please check one):
     - an review paper                         Yes     No
     - a contributed paper                     Yes     No

Would you like to present contributed paper as poster (size 85 cm
x 60 cm)                                       Yes     No

Would you like to present this paper orally?   Yes     No

Name(s) of author(s):

Preliminary title of paper (in English):

Short summary (in English):

Audio-visual equipment required for presentation:
Overhead projector:             Slide projector:
Television and VCR:             Personal computer:

Communication, suggestions to the SOC:

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