I have uploaded several new charts to my website: ** XX Ophiuchi (now fading a little): http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Carta_XX_Oph.htm ** V1044 Cen (also fainter at 11.1) with ASAS-3 sequence. Tycho-2 sequence was around 0.2 mag. too bright: http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Carta_V1044_Cen.htm ** HD 97671 (the new hypergiant variable in Carina, a chart that includes HDE 306159, another red variable, and the apsidal motion eclipser GL Carinae): http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Carta_HD_97671.htm ** U Sagittae, the large amplitude eclipser. Two charts made by Federico Claus (Cls) including several variables in the area: http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Carta_U_Sge_bin.htm http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Carta_U_Sge_tel.htm Updates: AG Carinae chart now includes HD 97671: http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Carta_HD_95687.htm RS Ophiuchi chart includes Henden photometry and the former rejected comparison star 931: http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Carta_RS_Oph.htm RS Telescopii with a new ASAS-3 sequence: http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Carta_RS_Tel.htm The complete list of charts at: http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/cartas_de_variables.htm Regards, Sebastian.
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