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[vsnet-chart-problem 55] On TY Sge

On TY Sge

> > SGEVAR 030912.1611  13.9  SXN   FORMERLY TY SGE
>    Would you please be more informative?  Use GSC name if the object
> is not TY Sge itself.<
> Yes, and my identification of TY Sge should be made clear also.
> TY SGE = GSC 1621:53
> GSC2.2 N0211313705     20:03:37.47  +17:01:28.5  V=12.011+/-0.014
>   [...]
> The star previously marked as TY Sge on older versions of the AAVSO charts
> is now temporarily designated "var" in the unwieldy AAVSO system of
> identification of secondary variables on charts.

   So, what "FORMERLY TY SGE" actually refers to is an identification error
in the former AAVSO charts?  Am I correct to interpret that this doesn't
imply that the true identification of TY Sge is recently recovered (as in
GM Sgr and V4641 Sgr)?

  [But if this is the case, I wonder why the AAVSO don't use a more
specific (at least better...) name such as SGETYVAR rather than SGEVAR.]

   We have a number of "TY Sge" observations reported to the VSNET.
The observers are: Poyner, Vanmunster, Diepvens, Taylor, Commelo and
Simonsen.  Should all these observation be renamed to GSC2.2N0211313705?
Comments from other observers are also welcomed.

Taichi Kato

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