VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary *** Last week news *** (new targets) RU Hor (RA = 02h46m05s.38, Dec = -63d35'04".0) R. Stubbings reported that the dwarf nova RU Hor is undergoing an outburst (13.2mag on Sep. 27) (vsnet-outburst 5941). The object only infrequently undergoes outburst (2000 November, short outburst; 1999 August, long outburst?) (vsnet-campaign-dn 3980). The outburst was also recorded by the ASAS-3 observation (vsnet-campaign-dn 3983). The light curve observed by G. Bolt on Sep. 27 clearly showed fully developed superhumps with an amplitude of 0.25 mag. RU Hor is now established to be a genuine SU UMa-type dwarf nova. A preliminary superhump period is 0.0716(3) d (vsnet-campaign-dn 3984). SN 2003if (RA = 03h19m52s.61, Dec = -26d03'50".5) SN 2003if is hosted by NGC 1302, a face-on early spiral galaxy. The CfA team has revealed that it was type Ia SN about 3 weeks after maximum based on Sept. 22.46 UT spectrum. The discovery magnitude is 17.6-17.7mag on Sep. 20 and 21, respectively. Considering that the expected maximum for typical unreddened SN Ia is mag about 13.5, and that the spectrum shows no remarkable extinction, it must be quite peculiar SN Ia (vsnet-campaign-sn 697). W. Li reported the object must be quite subluminous at peak, i.e., a 91bg-like object (vsnet-campaign-sn 698). OR And (RA = 23h04m37s.4, Dec = +49d27'24") The light curve of this poorly studied VY Scl-type star observed by T. Krajci suggested the presence of 3-hour modulations with a profile resembling that of superhumps in permanent superhumpers. The light curve also exhibited relatively strong QPO-like variations. The overall light curve resembles that of short-period novalike stars such as V592 Cas (vsnet-campaign-nl 138). SN 2003ig (RA = 04h09m43s.50, Dec = +37d00'45".8) SN 2003ig is hosted by UGC 2971, a spiral galaxy near the galactic plane. The expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 17.1 (vsnet-campaign-sn 699). SN 2003ih (RA = 03h43m57s.72, Dec = +39d17'43".2) SN 2003ih is hosted by UGC 2836, an apparently lenticular galaxy near the galactic plane. The expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 16.6. The morphology of the host galaxy suggests that it would be of type Ia. UGC 2836 produced SN IIn 2001I (brightest reported mag 17.6), which suggest that this galaxy experienced the recent star formation (vsnet-campaign-sn 699). SN 2003ii (RA = 02h33m04s.80, Dec = +35d30'29".7) SN 2003ii is hosted by MCG +06-6-53, a spiral galaxy (vsnet-campaign-sn 699). The CfA group took a spectrum of SN 2003ii on Sept. 26.37 UT, which revealed that it is a normal type II SN. The recession velocity of the host galaxy was measured as 13400 km/s (vsnet-campaign-sn 700). BF Cyg (RA = 19h23m53s.5, Dec = +29d40'29") The object is now fading (vsnet-campaign-symbio 81). VY Scl (RA = 23h29m00s.4, Dec = -29d46'45") The ASAS-3 observations suggest that the VY Scl-type prototype has entered a deep fading. A look at the image suggests that the object has faded much fainter than V=14.5. The initial indication of this fading was reported in June by S. Kerr. Following a gradual fading, the fading rate seems to have recently increased. The object may reach mag 18 as inferred from the past deepest minimum (vsnet-campaign-nl 140, 141). SN 2003ij (RA = 05h55m41s.18, Dec = +85d54'21".7) SN 2003ij is hosted by UGC 3336, a barred-spiral galaxy. The expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 16.3 (vsnet-campaign-sn 700). GSC 396.1222 (RA = 16h46m01s.6, Dec = +07d18'50") P. Wils reported that, in the night of Monday 29 on Tuesday 30 September, the long period eclipsing binary GSC 396-1222 is having another deep eclipse. For more information, see http://wiki.tass-survey.org/tass/view.do?nodeId=Tass&contentId=TassJ164601.6%2b071850 (vsnet-campaign-ecl 91). (continuous targets) V5113 Sgr (RA = 18h10m10s.42, Dec = -27d45'35".2) (= Nova Sgr 2003 No.2) The H_alpha line has become appreiably stronger in the spectrum taken by M. Fujii on Sep. 21, compared to the Buil's spectrum taken only 0.6 day earlier (vsnet-campaign-nova 1485). The Fe II series lines also became stronger. C. Buil reported a similar change of this star was confirmed in the spectrum taken on Sep. 25 (vsnet-campaign-nova 1496). The nova may recently be oscillating (vsnet-campaign-nova 1491, 1479, 1480). V551 Sgr (RA = 18h00m56s.46, Dec = -34d35'45".6) In the light curve observed by R. Santallo on September 23, prominent superhumps were detected, which finally confirmed the supposed SU UMa-type nature of V551 Sgr (vsnet-campaign-dn 3965). Superhumps were already present in the light curve on Sep. 22 by B. Monard (vsnet-campaign-dn 3970, 3967). The best superhump period is 0.06748 d (vsnet-campaign-dn 3966, 3974, 3976, 3985). A striking period change of superhumps was reported (vsnet-campaign-dn 3979). The observation by P. Nelson indicate that V551 Sgr experienced a short precursor stage on Sep. 21 (vsnet-campaign-dn 3982). The superoutburst is now ongoing (vsnet-campaign-dn 3972, 3987). SU Tau (RA = 05h49m03s.7, Dec = +19d04'21") The object is still faint (vsnet-campaign-rcb 162). New/brighter object near HX PEG? (RA = 23h40m03s, Dec = +12d36'45") The object turned out to be an RR Lyr star (vsnet-campaign-unknown 251, 252, 253, 254, 255). MV Lyr (RA = 19h07m15s.93, Dec = +44d01'10".7) The bright state continues (vsnet-campaign-nl 139). Nova Cru 2003 (RA = 12h23m16s.2, Dec = -60d22'34") The object rapidly faded in early September (vsnet-campaign-nova 1492). V1329 Cyg (RA = 20h51m01s.3, Dec = +35d34'53") The outburst is ongoing. It is around 12.6-12.8mag (vsnet-campaign-symbio 80). SN 2003ie (RA = 12h03m18s.15, Dec = +44d31'34".6) The Asiago group showed that it is type II SN (vsnet-campaign-sn 699). V585 Lyr (RA = 19h13m58s.5, Dec = +40d44'09") R. Novak reported clear superhumps on September 22 (vsnet-campaign-dn 557). The data on September 23 showed a marked decrease of the superhump amplitude. Combined data sets now clearly demonstrate that the superhump period was the dominant period even during the earliest stage. The growth of the genuine superhumps was rather slow, but not particularly unusual for this short superhump period (vsnet-campaign-dn 3971). T. Kato reported that the timing analysis of the superhump maxima has yielded a definite positive dot(P)/P = +9x10^(-5). The times of superhumps have been well expressed by a single positive period derivative (vsnet-campaign-dn 3975). The object experienced the stage of expected regrowth of superhumps in a late plateau phase (vsnet-campaign-dn 3981, 3986). The superoutburst will soon enter a rapid fading phase (vsnet-campaign-dn 3968, 3973). ES Aql (RA = 19h32m21s.58, Dec = -00d11'31".2) M. Simonsen reported that the object is recently brightening (vsnet-campaign-rcb 159, 161). delta Sco (RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17") T. Gandet reported that the IOTA web site shows that Delta Sco was/will be occulted by the moon twice this year. The dates and times (UT) were/are Sept. 2 and Dec. 21 at 1100 (vsnet-campaign-be 271, 270). V475 Sct (RA = 18h49m37s.60, Dec = -09d33'50".85) A rapidly fading seems to stop (vsnet-campaign-nova 1493, 1494, 1498). A. Oksanen reported it is getting redder (vsnet-campaign-nova 1495). C. Buil reported that the spectrum on Sep. 28 showed a fast increase of the intensity of H-alpha emission relative to the continuum (vsnet-campaign-nova 1497). V3795 Sgr (RA = 18h13m24s.0, Dec = -25d46'56") The object is now fading again (vsnet-campaign-rcb 163). Z Cam (RA = 08h25m13s.2, Dec = +73d06'39") The object is possibly in a short(?) standstill (vsnet-campaign-dn 3978). Z UMi (RA = 15h02m01s.35, Dec = +83d03'48".7) M. Simonsen reported the object is recently brightening (vsnet-campaign-rcb 159, 160). *** Future schedule *** Call for Proposals for Cycle 1 of the Swift Guest Investigator Program Notices of Intent due: October 6, 2003 Proposal due date: December 1, 2003 [vsnet-campaign-grb 39] Stellar-Mass, Intermediate-Mass, and Supermassive Black Holes Kyoto International Community House, Kyoto, Japan October 28 - 31, 2003 http://vsnet.astro.isas.ac.jp/conference/bh2003/ [vsnet-campaign-agn 6] [vsnet-campaign-xray 260] ASTRONOMICAL POLARIMETRY CURRENT STATUS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS 15-19 March 2004, Waikoloa Beach Marriott, Waikoloa, Hawaii http://vsnet.jach.hawaii.edu/JACpublic/JAC/pol2004 [vsnet-campaign-polar 35] IAU Symposium No. 222 - BHSIGN Conference The Interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei March 1-5, 2004, Gramado, Brasil http://bhsign.if.ufrgs.br/ [vsnet-campaign-agn 5] WEBT campaign on AO 0235+16 Campaign with VLBA conducted by Claudia M. Raiteri from September 2003 see [vsnet-campaign-blazar 305] X-RAY AND RADIO CONNECTIONS Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA 3 - 6 February 2004 http://vsnet.aoc.nrao.edu/events/xraydio/ [vsnet-campaign-xray 258] X-Ray Timing 2003: Rossi and Beyond November 3-5, 2003 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics http://hea-www.harvard.edu/xrt2003/ [vsnet-campaign-xray 242] AR UMa and AM Her campaign with the HST TOO program conducted by S. Saar and F. Ringwald see [vsnet-campaign-polar 24] QS Tel: Call for observations TOO program with the Chandra conducted by C. Mauche until the end of 2004 see [vsnet-campaign-polar 28] WEBT Campaign for AO 0235+16 with XMM-Newton January-February 2004 please contact to Claudia M. Raiteri, see [vsnet-campaign-blazar 301] Multiwavelength AGN Surveys a "Guillermo Haro" Astrophysics Conference organized by INAOE December 8-12, 2003 Cozumel, Mexico http://vsnet.inaoep.mx/~agn2003/ [vsnet-campaign-agn 4] Conference: THE INTERPLAY AMONG BLACK HOLES, STARS AND ISM IN GALACTIC NUCLEI in Gramado, south of Brasil, March 1-5, 2004 for more information, please contact to BHSIGN@if.ufrgs.br [vsnet-campaign-agn 3] eta Car: The next "shell event"/X-ray eclipse M. Corcoran reported the event will occur this summer. Coordinated ground-based observations of eta car along with the X-ray observations would be really important. For more information: Latest X-ray light curve: http://lheawww.gsfc.nasa.gov/users/corcoran/eta_car/etacar_rxte_lightcurve/ [vsnet-campaign-sdor 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 46] [vsnet-campaign-xray 172] Light curve provided by S. Otero: http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Curva_Eta_Carinae.htm [vsnet-campaign-sdor 22, 32, 33] *** General information *** V5113 Sgr Chart presented by S. Otero: http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Carta_V5113_Sgr.htm [vsnet-campaign-nova 1481] CCD image by S. Kiyota: http://vsnet.milky.ne.jp/~meineko/CCD/nvSgr2003-2.jpg [vsnet-campaign-nova 1484] Spectrum taken by M. Fujii: http://vsnet1.harenet.ne.jp/~aikow/v5113_sgr_20030921.gif [vsnet-campaign-nova 1485] Spectrum taken by C. Buil: http://astrosurf.com/buil/us/nsgr4/nsgr4.htm [vsnet-campaign-nova 1496] V551 Sgr VSNET page: http://vsnet.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/vsnet/DNe/v551sgr.html [vsnet-campaign-dn 3977] V475 Sct Spectrum taken by C. Buil: http://astrosurf.com/buil/us/nscuti/nscuti.htm [vsnet-campaign-nova 1497] V838 Mon Discussions on its distance and outburst mechanism, see [vsnet-campaign-v838mon 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431] Y Cyg Recent observations by K. Nakajima, see [vsnet-campaign-ecl 90] (This summary can be cited.) Regards, Makoto Uemura
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