Call for papers -- PASJ special edition on VSNET ========================================================================= Call for papers -- PASJ special edition on VSNET We have been informed that PASJ (Pulication of Astrnomical Society of Japan, an international refereed journal) is planning to publish a special featured issue on VSNET. The special issue is planned to be published in early 2004. This issue will deal with original papers and recent scientific achievements of the VSNET Collaboration, and contributed papers in collaboration with the VSNET or papers based on the VSNET public data (analysis of the data, correlation studies with other observations etc.). We appreciate submissions of articles related to this topic. Any submissions, including the ones from outside the usual VSNET core collaboration members, are welcome. Please relay this message to those who are potentially interested. Although there is no fixed deadline for the submission, it will usually take (at minimum) several months before final publication. This time includes the reviewing period by expert referees, typesetting, proofreading, and actual publishing. We therefore strongly encourage *earliest possible* submissions. For the details of the paper submissions to PASJ, please read the PASJ web page first: Just for the reminder, the most recent issue of PASJ includes the articles on a recent memorable gamma-ray burst last year (GRB 021004) and the superoutburst study of the 2002 "New Year Outburst" of HV Vir, both conducted by the VSNET Collaboration. ========================================================================= Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team