VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary *** Last week news *** (new targets) 4U 1630-47 (RA = 16h34m00s.4, Dec = -47d23'23") According to ATEL #161, the black hole candidate X-ray transient 4U 1630-47 is undergoing an extended X-ray outburst (duration nearly 260 d). There have been occasions of increased X-ray activities recently (vsnet-campaign-xray 241). MM Sco (RA = 17h30m45s.68, Dec = -42d11'09".2) As reported by R. Stubbings on May 26, the SU UMa-type dwarf nova MM Sco experienced an outburst (14.0-13.9mag) (vsnet-campaign-dn 3692). In the light curve obtained by B. Heathcote, the object was fading at a rate of 0.5 mag/d on May 27. There was an indication of 0.05 mag variations, which may be either related to orbital or superhump-type modulation. Although the observation does not exclude the possibility of the early stage of a superoutburst, the fainter magnitude than in the past superoutbursts makes it more likely a normal outburst (vsnet-campaign-dn 3698, 3701, 3707, 3712). V589 Her (RA = 16h22m07s.19, Dec = +19d22'36".3) An outburst of the SU UMa-type dwarf nova V589 Her was reported on May 27, but it was not confirmed by the observations by the Kyoto team (vsnet-campaign-dn 3694, 3697). It was fainter than 16.2mag on May 27, as reported by O. Trondal (vsnet-campaign-dn 3705). SN 2003em (RA = 02h09m20s.23, Dec = -23d24'53".0) SN 2003em is hosted by ESO 478-G6, an inclined spiral galaxy. It is superimposed on the outer arm region. The expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 16.0 (vsnet-campaign-sn 628). RS Oph (RA = 17h50m13s.56, Dec = -06d42'30".6) RS Oph has been reported to be slightly brighter than normal. It may be a sign of a new outburst (vsnet-campaign-nova 1261, 1264, 1265, 1274). V1362 Cyg (RA = 20h03m41s.6, Dec = +36d25'32") A brightening of V1362 Cyg was reported on May 29, but it has not been confirmed (vsnet-campaign-be 240, 241, 242, vsnet-campaign-sdor 42, 43, 44). V2335 Oph (RA = 18h04m17s.3, Dec = +04d43'44") T. Kato reported, according to ASAS-3 CV alert, V2335 Oph may be in outburst (mag 14.4). K. Torii, however, reported that it is not in outburst. The ASAS-3 detection may have been a noise (vsnet-campaign-dn 3714, 3718). V405 Vul (RA = 19h53m05s.0, Dec = +21d14'50") T. Kato reported, according to ASAS-3 CV alert, V405 Vul may be in outburst (mag 13.8). K. Torii, however, reported that it is not in outburst. The ASAS-3 detection may have been a noise (vsnet-campaign-dn 3715, 3719). SDSS J132723.39+652854.2 (RA = 13h27m23s.39, Dec = +65d28'54".2) According to astro-ph/0305607 (Wolfe et al.), the SDSS cataclysmic variable SDSS J132723.39+652854.2 is found to be an eclipsing novalike system with a period of 3.28 hr. The object is suggested to be an SW Sex type object. The magnitude is about 18 (vsnet-campaign-nl 121). (continuous targets) V660 Her (RA = 17h42m07s.3, Dec = +23d47'37".3) The outburst faded (vsnet-campaign-dn 3703). rho Cas (RA = 23h54m22s.99, Dec = +57d29'58".7) In the spectrum taken by M. Fujii, the H-alpha line was seen in absorption, but may be partly filled with an emission-line component (vsnet-campaign-rhocas 17). PU CMa (RA = 06h40m47s.67, Dec = -24d23'14".6) In the light curves on May 26-27 taken by B. Monard and on May 25 by P. Nelson, the object clearly showed superhumps. These observations finally (most probably) confirmed the SU UMa-type nature of PU CMa (vsnet-campaign-dn 3695). The superhump period was calculated to be 0.05789(2) d using all data sets reported upto May 29. This period is 2.1% longer than the orbital period (vsnet-campaign-dn 3696, 3704, 3706, 3708). T. Kato reported a superhump period derivative to be dot(P)/P = -3x10^(-5). Excluding the slight anomaly of O-C on May 25 has yielded -1x10^(-5). In either cases, the absolute value of dot(P)/P is small. Furthermore, the period derivative seems to be slightly negative (period is decreasing), which is a rather anomalous feature for a system with this short superhump period (vsnet-campaign-dn 3711, 3713). The star entered the rapid decline phase on May 30, and faded by 2 mag on May 31. However, the superhumps (late superhumps?) still prominently persist even on June 1 in the light curve taken by B. Monard (vsnet-campaign-dn 3693, 3700, 3709, 3717, 3720). delta Sco (RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17") The object is gradually fading from the recent very bright state (vsnet-campaign-be 238). In the spectrum taken by M. Fujii, the Balmer lines are still in emission (vsnet-campaign-be 239). V729 Sgr (RA = 19h16m49s.15, Dec = -26d14'33".2) The object faded from the recent outburst (vsnet-campaign-dn 3716). CR Boo (RA = 13h48m55s.42, Dec = +07d57'30".3) A new outburst started on May 24 (vsnet-campaign-dn 3702). OU Vir (RA = 14h35m00s.14, Dec = -00d46'07".0) The Kyoto team detected a possible, post-superoutburst rebrightening on May 29 (vsnet-campaign-dn 3710). V4745 Sgr (RA = 18h40m02s.54, Dec = -33d26'55".1) The nova experienced a new bright maximum around May 29 (vsnet-campaign-nova 1260, 1262). In the spectrum taken by M. Fujii, the Fe II lines still persist, indicating the slow evolution. The [O I] line at 8446 A has become slightly stronger (vsnet-campaign-nova 1263). MV Lyr (RA = 19h07m15s.93, Dec = +44d01'10".7) The recent time-series observations confirm the presence of large-amplitude (0.1-0.2 mag) strong spike-like quasi-periodic features (typical time-scales 10-30 min), which remind us of V592 Cas, RX J1643.7+3402. It may be possible that this signal became stronger as the system brightened to the current exceptional level. There may be a undelying superhump signal, which needs to be verified by further analysis and observations (vsnet-campaign-nl 122). eta Car (RA = 10h45m03s.65, Dec = -59d41'03".7) Recent reported observations can be seen in [vsnet-campaign-sdor 40, 41]. EE Cep (RA = 22h09m22s.8, Dec = +55d45'24") The object is now in an eclipse (vsnet-campaign-ecl 77). V504 Cen (RA = 14h12m49s.11, Dec = -40d21'37".1) T. Kato reported that the object is a new, firmly established VY Scl-type star. The rare brightness (mag about 13) makes it a very ideal target for southern time-series observations (vsnet-campaign-nl 123). *** Future schedule *** Multiwavelength AGN Surveys a "Guillermo Haro" Astrophysics Conference organized by INAOE December 8-12, 2003 Cozumel, Mexico http://vsnet.inaoep.mx/~agn2003/ [vsnet-campaign-agn 4] IM Nor Campaign by I. Hachisu (University of Tokyo) and the VSNET team For more information, see [vsnet-campaign-nova 1241] GRB Mini-Symposium in JENAM2003 For more information, http://vsnet.konkoly.hu/jenam03/ [vsnet-campaign-grb 31] IAU JD17 "ATOMIC DATA FOR X-RAY ASTRONOMY" ON JULY 22-23, 2003 at the XXVth IAU GENERAL ASSEMBLY SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, JULY 13-26, 2003 for more information: http://vsnet.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~pradhan/Iau/iau.html [vsnet-campaign-xray 227] "X-ray and Radio Emission of Young Stars" July 28 - 29, 2003, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan for more information , please contact to kitamoto@rikkyo.ne.jp [vsnet-campaign-xray 218] Conference: THE INTERPLAY AMONG BLACK HOLES, STARS AND ISM IN GALACTIC NUCLEI in Gramado, south of Brasil, March 1-5, 2004 for more information, please contact to BHSIGN@if.ufrgs.br [vsnet-campaign-agn 3] eta Car: The next "shell event"/X-ray eclipse M. Corcoran reported the event will occur this summer. Coordinated ground-based observations of eta car along with the X-ray observations would be really important. For more information: Latest X-ray light curve: http://lheawww.gsfc.nasa.gov/users/corcoran/eta_car/etacar_rxte_lightcurve/ [vsnet-campaign-sdor 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29] [vsnet-campaign-xray 172] Light curve provided by S. Otero: http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Curva_Eta_Carinae.htm [vsnet-campaign-sdor 22, 32, 33] The 2003 Gamma Ray Burst conference Hosted by Los Alamos, in Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA), between September 8 and 12, 2003 http://grb2003.lanl.gov/ [vsnet-campaign-grb 13] *** General information *** PU CMa VSNET page: http://vsnet.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/vsnet/DNe/pucma.html [vsnet-campaign-dn 3699] Image by P. Nelson: http://vsnet.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/pub/vsnet/DNe/PU_CMa/nel1.jpg [vsnet-campaign-dn 3706] rho Cas Spectrum taken by M. Fujii: http://vsnet1.harenet.ne.jp/~aikow/rho_cas_20030528.gif [vsnet-campaign-rhocas 17] delta Sco Spectrum taken by M. Fujii: http://vsnet1.harenet.ne.jp/~aikow/delt_sco_20030528.gif [vsnet-campaign-be 239] V4745 Sgr Spectrum taken by M. Fujii: http://vsnet1.harenet.ne.jp/~aikow/v4745_sgr_20030528.gif [vsnet-campaign-nova 1263] Discussion about RS Oph, its neighbor comparison star, and recurrent novae, see [vsnet-campaign-nova 1266, 1267, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1271, 1272, 1273] MV Lyr Article for the Czech publication Perseus in 1999 written by L. Cook: http://vsnet.geocities.com/lcoo/mvly1999.htm [vsnet-campaign-nl 124] (This summary can be cited.) Regards, Makoto Uemura
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