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[vsnet-campaign 1347] VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

*** Last week news ***

(new targets)
  AW Sge		(RA = 19h58m37s.11, Dec = +16d41'28".7)

    M. Simonsen detected an outburst of the poorly known SU UMa star, 
  AW Sge at 14.4mag on October 31.  The last recorded outburst
  (superoutburst) was in 2000 July (vsnet-campaign-dn 2946).  The
  brightness suggested a superoutburst (vsnet-campaign-dn 2949).
  Observations by the Nyrola team, however, indicated a rather rapid
  decline at a rate of 0.9 mag/d (vsnet-campaign-dn 2955).  On October
  31, T. Vanmunster reported irregular modulations with an amplitude
  of about 0.3mag, which are not superhumps (vsnet-campaign-dn 2956,
  2958, 2960).  After the fading, a possible rebrightening to 17.2mag
  on November 3 was reported by D. Starkey (vsnet-campaign-dn 2951,
  2954, 2969).  Confirmations are urged. 

  PU Per		(RA = 02h42m16s.1, Dec = 35d40'46")

    M. Simonsen reported on November 1 that the SU UMa-type dwarf
  nova, PU Per is undergoing a rare, bright (14.7mag) outburst.  The
  last reported outburst of PU Per occurred in 1998 September.  Its
  large outburst amplitude and long recurrent time suggest that the
  object may be related to WZ Sge-type stars (vsnet-campaign-dn
  2959).  In the light curve taken by D. Starkey, small-amplitude
  variations are likely present, while there is no distinct
  superhumps (vsnet-campaign-dn 2962).  The time-series observation by
  G. Billings on November 2 yields a light curve showing a rather
  rapid linear fading, with 0.1-mag fluctuations.  T. Kato commented
  that, judging from the behavior up to now and the short-term
  variations, the outburst may be a normal outburst, or a precursor
  outburst of an expected superoutburst (vsnet-campaign-dn 2963, 2967).  
  The object further faded by 1.5mag on November 3, which supports
  that the outburst is a normal one (vsnet-campaign-dn 2970).  

  SN 2002hh		(RA = 20h34m44s.29, Dec = +60d07'19".0)

    SN 2002hh was discovered by the KAIT team on Oct. 31.1 UT (mag
  about 16.5) and confirmed on Nov. 2.1 (mag about 16.3).  The
  position of the new object is about 61" west and 114" south of the
  nucleus of a face-on open spiral galaxy NGC 6946.  NGC 6946 produced
  at least 6 SNe (1917A, 1939C, 1948B, 1968D, 1969P, and 1980K) in the
  last century.  The brightest one of these six was SN IIL 1980K,
  whose maximum was B=11.6.  It was below mag about 19.0 on Oct. 26.1.
  It should definitely be in the rising phase (vsnet-campaign-sn 491).

  V344 Ori		(RA = 06h15m18.94, Dec = +15d30'59".9)
    M. Simonsen detected an outburst of V344 Ori at 14.1mag on
  November 1.  V344 Ori is an unusual dwarf nova which underwent an
  exceptionally bright outburst in 2000 January (vsnet-campaign-dn
  2959, 2964).  The Kyoto team confirmed the outburst on November 1
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2965). 

  DM Lyr		(RA = 18h58m45s.02, Dec = +30d15'39".9)

    The SU UMa-type dwarf nova DM Lyr experienced an outburst, as
  reported by M. Simonsen on October 31.  The magnitude (14.4mag) may
  suggest a superoutburst.  No definite superoutburst has been
  reported since 2000 July (vsnet-campaign-dn 2952).  The likely
  superoutburst is now ongoing (vsnet-campaign-dn 2966).

  CW Mon	        (RA = 06h36m54s.5, Dec = +00d02'16")

    The SS Cyg-type dwarf nova CW Mon experienced a relatively rare
  full outburst (12.9mag), as reported by D. Taylor on October 29 and 
  M. Simonsen on October 31.  The object may be a grazing eclipser
  with a period of 0.1762 d (vsnet-campaign-dn 2953).

(continuous targets)
  V4744 Sgr = Nova in Sgr No. 4	(RA = 17h47m21s.724, Dec = -23d28'22".79)

    This nova in Sgr has been given the permanent GCVS designation,
  V4744 Sgr (vsnet-campaign-nova 1129).  In the spectrum taken by
  M. Fujii on October 29, a weak and narrow H-alpha emission line,
  associated with a prominent P Cyg profile, has been detected.  The
  NaD absorption line is strong.  M. Fujii comments that the overall
  appearance of the spectrum resembles those of V838 Mon taken around
  2002 Feb. to Mar. (vsnet-campaign-nova 1131).  H. Yamaoka performed
  astrometry using images taken by S. Kiyota and P. Nelson and
  reported the position above.  Even in the deepest DSS image
  (limiting Rmag about 21.0) and 2MASS infrared image, no object can
  be found within 5" of this position (vsnet-campaign-nova 1137,
  1138).  Tha lack of a bright 2MASS counterpart seems to preclude the
  possibility of a symbiotic nova (vsnet-campaign-nova 1139).  The
  object is now  V~11 (vsnet-campaign-nova 1123, 1124, 1126, 1127,
  1128, 1130, 1132, 1133, 1134, 1136).

  SN 2002hb		(RA = 22h56m03s.58, Dec = +13d37'31".0)

    According to IAUC 8002, it is a type Ia SN about 1 month after
  maximum, at a redshift of about 0.09 (vsnet-campaign-sn 488).

  SN 2002hd		(RA = 08h54m03s.39, Dec = -07d11'21".5)

    According to IAUC 8002, it is also a type Ia SN, about 5 days
  after maximum at redshift of about 0.035.  The discovery magnitude
  is consistent with the expected maximum (vsnet-campaign-sn 488). 

  SN 2002he		(RA = 08h19m58s.83, Dec = +62d49'13".2)

    According to IAUC 8004, it is SN Ia (possibly subluminous) near or
  a few days before the maximum light on Oct. 30.47 (vsnet-campaign-sn
  490).  B. Romanishin commented that this SN is of particular
  interest because it may be a sub-luminous Ia, and it would be very
  nice to pin down peak magnitude (vsnet-campaign-sn 492).

  SW UMa		(RA = 08h36m42s.80, Dec = +53d28'38".2)
    The light curve taken by K. Torii on October 27 shows the fully
  grown superhumps (0.2 mag)(vsnet-campaign-dn 2937, 2940).  L. Kral
  reported that T. Hynek also confirmed superhumps of 0.2mag on
  October 26/27 (vsnet-campaign 1346).  On October 28, superhumps
  observed by K. Tanabe further increased in amplitude (0.25mag)
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2943).  The Oct. 29 data show the presence of
  (super)QPOs with a typical period of 3-4 min, although the
  phenomenon is not as striking as in the 1992 one (vsnet-campaign-dn
  2957). The superoutburst is still ongoing (vsnet-campaign-dn 2945,

  V844 Her		(RA = 16h25m01s.69, Dec = +39d09'25".9)

    V844 Her was reported to be still active at 14.2 mag on Oct. 28
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2942).

  RR Tau		(RA = 05h39m30s.53, Dec = +26d22'26".3)

    The object is fading since October 18 (vsnet-campaign-orion 36).

  MisV1181		(RA = 22h58m09s.12, Dec = +66d21'12".4)

    M. Collins reported negative observations with limit of 13.0mag on
  2001 June 28 and October 8 (vsnet-campaign-nova 1135).

  MisV1147		(RA = 22h54m03s.78, Dec = +58d54'02".1)

    The object again became fainter than 13.4mag since October 20.
  T. Kato suspects that there may be a quasi-cycle of 30-40 d
  (vsnet-campaign-unknown 120).  It further faded to <14.7mag on
  October 29 (vsnet-campaign-unknown 121).  The faint state continues
  (vsnet-campaign-unknown 122).

  AG Dra		(RA = 16h01m40s.98, Dec = +66d48'10".3)

    The object is now slowly fading (vsnet-campaign-symbio 39).

  NSV 10934             (RA = 18h40m52s.26, Dec = -83d43'10".24)

    An outburst of 12.9mag was reported bu R. Stubbings on October 28
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2934, 2939).

  IX Dra		(RA = 18h12m32s.2, Dec = +67d04'41")

    The object entered a rapid fading phase from the superoutburst
  around October 30 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2935, 2944, 2947).

  IP Peg		(RA = 23h23m08s.7, Dec = +18d24'59".1) 

    The profile of the eclipse observed by K. Torii and the Kyoto team
  is unusually deep for the eclipses during outbursts
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2936).  The object hsa faded (vsnet-campaign-dn
  2941, 2968).

  Z UMi                 (RA = 15h02m01s.35, Dec = +83d03'48".7)

    The object further faded. Some observations showed it to be in
  12th mag (vsnet-campaign-rcb 82).

  Z And                 (RA = 23h33m40s.02, Dec = +48d49'06".1)

    The object further brightened (vsnet-campaign-symbio 40).

  BL Lac		(RA = 22h02m42s.86, Dec = +42d16'37".6)

    The object slightly faded in the end of October, however still
    very active (vsnet-campaign-blazar 281, 282, 283).

  KK Tel		(RA = 20h28m38s.46, Dec = -52d18'45".6)

    An outburst of 14.4mag was detected by R. Stubbings on October
  28.  It may be a normal outburst of this new SU UMa-type star
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2938).

*** Future schedule ***

  International Workshop -- Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays --
       November 5-6, 2002
       at RIKEN (The Institute of Physics and Chemical Research), Japan       
           Suzuki Umetaro Hall (#52), South Area, Wako main campus 
	   Contact to:  workshop2002@euso.riken.go.jp   
					[vsnet-campaign-grb 8]
  IAU Colloquium 194
  "Compact Binaries in the Galaxy and Beyond"
	   17-22 November 2003, La Paz, Mexico
	   Contact Details
	   Web page:   http://bufadora.astrosen.unam.mx/~iau194
	   Email:      iau194@astrosen.unam.mx
					[vsnet-campaign-sn 467]
					[vsnet-campaign-xray 154]

  Texas in Tuscany
  XXI Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
        Florence, Italy, December 9-13, 2002
	For more information:	  
					[vsnet-campaign-xray 142]

	22-26 April 2003, Valencia, Spain
	Web site: http://vsnet.uv.es/2003supernovae/
					[vsnet-campaign-sn 342]
					[vsnet-campaign-sn 452]

*** General information ***

  Nova Sgr No. 4
    CCD image taken by S. Kiyota:
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 1125]
    Spectrum taken by M. Fujii:
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 1131]
  SW UMa
    Light curve taken by T. Hynek:
					[vsnet-campaign 1346]
  AW Sge
    CCD image taken by L. Cook:
					[vsnet-campaign-dn 2949]
    CCD image taken by Y. Sano:
					[vsnet-campaign-dn 2950]
  PU Per
    CCD image taken by D. Starkey:
					[vsnet-campaign-dn 2961]

(This summary can be cited.)	

Makoto Uemura

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