VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary *** Last week news *** (new targets) Possible Nova in the LMC region (RA = 05h36.8m, Dec = -71d36') W. Liller discovered a possible nova near LMC. On his photos, the object was 12.5mag on February 27 and 10.5mag on March 3. No bright object is seen on February 21. If the object is confirmed to be a genuine nova in the LMC, the magnitude of 10.5 makes the object a relatively bright nova in the LMC (vsnet-campaign-nova 852, vsnet-campaign-news 138). R. Shida confirmed the object and reported 10.7mag on March 4 (vsnet-campaign-nova 853, 855). XTE J1650-500 (RA = 16h50m01s.0, Decl. = -49d57'45") According to IAUC 7837, Tomsick et al. report that this blackhole candidate X-ray transient is exhibiting large-amplitude variations with a period of 13.5-14.0 d. They suggest that the period may correspond to the disk-precession as seen in HZ Her (Her X-1). This finding may suggest the presence of superhump-type variation (vsnet-campaign-xray 117). SN 2002bj (RA = 05h11m46s.37, Dec = -15d08'10".7) SN 2002bj was discovered on Feb. 28 by Puckett Obs. and the LOTOSS KAIT at 14.7-8mag. It was not detected on Feb. 21, so it seems a young object. The position of SN is about 5" east and 6" south of the apparent center of a irregular-shaped galaxy NGC 1821. The recession velocity of NGC 1821 is 3608 km/s and there is notable Galactic extinction (A_V \sim 0.3 mag). If this velocity is of the Hubble flow, the expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 15.3, which is already overcome by the discovery mag (vsnet-campaign-sn 361). SN 2002bf (RA = 10h15m42s.31, Dec = +55d40'06".7) SN 2002bf was discovered by the LOTOSS team in the image taken on February 22 (17.0mag) and 24 (16.6mag). The host galaxy = CGCG 266-031 is a barred-spiral galaxy. The expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 16.6 (vsnet-campaign-sn 357). SN 2002bg (RA = 14h59m39s.23, Dec = +13d12'44".5) This supernova was discovered by the Puckett Observatory team on February 23 at 16.9mag. The host galaxy = MCG +02-38-31 makes a pair with MCG +02-38-32 (vsnet-campaign-sn 357). SN 2002bh (RA = 09h51m06s.56, Dec = +09d00'05".7) SN 2002bh was discovered by the LOTOSS team in images taken on February 24 (17.1mag) and 25 (17.2mag). The host of SN 2002bh is a spiral galaxy UGC 5286. The expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 16.0 (vsnet-campaign-sn 358). SN 2002bi (RA = 13h32m54s.45, Dec = +09d31'18".0) SN 2002bi was discovered by the LOTOSS team in images taken on February 25 (17.1mag). The host of SN 2002bi is a spiral or irregular galaxy UGC 8527. The expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 16.6. SN locates quite near to the nucleus (vsnet-campaign-sn 358). Cyg X-1 (RA = 19h58m21s.67, Dec = +35d12'05".7) S. Golenetskii et al. reported in GCN 1258 that Konus-Wind and Ulysses observed an exceptional gamma-ray transient on February 24. They concluded this originated from Cyg X-1, exhibiting an exceptionally high state. This is the first time that the IPN has been used to localize a cosmic transient source which is not an SGR or a GRB (vsnet-campaign-xray 118). R Lep (RA = 04h59m36s.31, Dec = -14d48'22".8) The object was reported at a faint minimum at 11.0mag on March 1 (vsnet-campaign-mira 16). S. Otero commented that it is probably due to a color problem (vsnet-campaign-mira 17, 19). CQ Tau (RA = 05h35m58s.46, Dec = +24d44'54".4) The object was reported to be faint (11.3mag) on February 28 (vsnet-campaign-orion 24). (continuous targets) CI Cam (RA = 04h19m42s.08, Dec = +55d59'57".8) The object is still calm at around the slightly bright state (vsnet-campaign-be 173, 175, vsnet-campaign-xray 119). SDSSp J173008.38+624754.7 (RA = 17h30m08s.38, Dec = +62d47'54".7) The Kyoto team reported that the object faded at a rate of ~0.3 mag/day on February 20-22. The combined light curve show a period of 0.073557(44) d (vsnet-campaign-dn 2143). IX Dra (RA = 18h12m32s.2, Dec = +67d04'41") The possible superoutburst is still ongoing. It was reported to be 15.0mag on February 28 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2145). kappa CMa (RA = 06h49m50s.45, Dec = -32d30'30".2) The object is slowly fading. Observations by S. Otero show that it was 3.70mag on March 2 (vsnet-campaign-be 177). IM Nor (RA = 15h39m26s.47, Dec = -52d19'18".2) The fading continues. The object has entered 10th mag (vsnet-campaign-nova 849). GK Per (RA = 03h31m12s.50, Dec = +43d54'17".8) The object gradually brightened (vsnet-campaign-gkper 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27), and on March 2, rapider brightening was reported by several observers (vsnet-campaign-gkper 28, 29, 30). The brightening continued on March 3 and 4, and the object reached 12.2mag as reported by E. van Ballegoij (vsnet-campaign-gkper 31). chi Cyg (RA = 19h50m33s.9, Dec = +32d54'50") Reported observations indicated that the object has possibly passed the maximum (vsnet-campaign-mira 14, 15), but the object still remains at a bright maximum at 4.1-4.2mag (vsnet-campaign-mira 18). SN 2002ao (RA = 14h29m35s.74, Dec = -00d00'55".8) The object is now gradually fading (vsnet-campaign-sn 360). HL CMa (RA = 06h45m17s.0, Dec = -16d51'35") The object was reported to finally start fading from the anomalously long outburst (vsnet-campaign-dn 2144). The fading rate is, however, rather gradual (vsnet-campaign-dn 2146), and the object still remained the unusual bright state at around 12mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 2147). RR Tau (RA = 05h39m30s.53, Dec = +26d22'26".3) The object again faded to 12.2mag on February 26 (vsnet-campaign-orion 20). It gradually recovered and reached 11.0mag on March 1 (vsnet-campaign-orion 23). SN 2002ap (RA = 01h36m23s.85, Dec = +15d45'13".0) The fading rate appears to become more rapid since around February 27 (vsnet-campaign-sn2002ap 181, 182, 183, 184, 187). L. Cook reported that the decline rates over the last 2 weeks are V: 0.076mag/d, R: 0.057mag/d, and I: 0.037mag/d (vsnet-campaign-sn2002ap 186). delta Sco (RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17") The object is still very bright (vsnet-campaign-be 174, 176). V2540 Oph (RA = 17h37m34s.36 Dec = -16d23'18".4) This nova is now gradually fading with some oscillations (vsnet-campaign-nova 850, 851). The spectrum taken by M. Fujii on February 24 shows strong FeII lines, as observed previously (vsnet-campaign-nova 848). SN 2002an (RA = 08h22m47s.76, Dec = +24d17'41".7) The object is now gradually fading (vsnet-campaign-sn 359). V838 Mon (RA = 07h04m04s.816, Dec = -03d50'50".94) The object was relatively calm at around 8.4mag and then, again started gradual fading on February 26-27 (vsnet-campaign-v838mon 224, 225, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238). The fading almost stopped on March 1-2 (vsnet-campaign-v838mon 239). The object then started brightening again on March 3 (vsnet-campaign-v838mon 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247). Y. Efimov, Crimean astrophysical observatory, performed polarimetry and photometry on February 11-18. Y. Efimov calculated the weighted average of wavelength dependence of polarization Pobs(%) which is very well fit by the curve of interstellar polarization Pfit(%) applying the Serkowski' low with Pmax = 2.512 +-0.037 (%) at Lambda(max) = 0.554+/- 0.002mcm (vsnet-campaign-v838mon 226). MisV1147 (RA = 22h54m03s.78, Dec = +58d54'02".1) The slow fading is still continues (vsnet-campaign-unknown 66). V854 Cen (RA = 14h34m49s.8, Dec = -39d33'18") The object is still brightening and reached about 8mag (vsnet-campaign-rcb 16). U Gem (RA = 07h55m05s.55, Dec = +22d00'09".2) The object faded from the last outburst (vsnet-campaign-ugem 21). UX Ori (RA = 05h04m30s.39, Dec = -03d47'18".3) The object is very faint at 11th mag (vsnet-campaign-orion 21). V1413 Aql (RA = 19h03m46s.84, Dec = +16d26'17".1) Reported observations show that the object already passed the eclipse (vsnet-campaign-symbio 10). *** Future schedule *** Lectures on Supernovae at Cornell Stanford E. Woosley, expert on giant stellar explosions, to give three talks at Cornell contact to: David Brand deb27@cornell.edu [vsnet-campaign-sn 353] SUPERNOVAE (10 YEARS OF SN1993J) 22-26 April 2003, Valencia, Spain Web site: http://vsnet.uv.es/2003supernovae/ [vsnet-campaign-sn 342] 34TH COSPAR - GRB AFTERGLOW PHYSICS HOUSTON, TX, USA, 10-19 OCTOBER 2002 Main Scientific Organizer (MSO): Elena Pian - INAF, Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Italy - pian@ts.astro.it http://vsnet.ts.astro.it/topics/topix.html [vsnet-campaign-grb 1] MASS-LOSING PULSATING STARS AND THEIR CIRCUMSTELLAR MATTER Sendai, Japan: May 13-16, 2002 contact to: Dr. M. Seki or wsloc@astr.tohoku.ac.jp http://vsnet.astr.tohoku.ac.jp/ws2002/ [vsnet-campaign-mira 3] International Conference on Classical Nova Explosions Sitges (Barcelona), Spain: 20-24 May 2002 For more detailed information, see http://vsnet.ieec.fcr.es/novaconf [vsnet-campaign-nova 643] [vsnet-campaign-nova 666] Blazar meeting at Tuorla: June 17-21, 2002 for more information, see http://vsnet.astro.utu.fi/blazar02 [vsnet-campaign-blazar 232] International workshop "XEUS - studying the evolution of the hot universe" March 11-13, 2002 ; MPE Garching, Germany for more information, see http://wave.xray.mpe.mpg.de/conferences/xeus-workshop [vsnet-campaign-xray 98] [vsnet-campaign-xray 104] *** General information *** possible Nova in the LMC region Information for comparison stars reported by B. Skiff, see [vsnet-campaign-nova 854] Sequence provided by M. Morel, see [vsnet-campaign-nova 856] V2540 Oph Spectrum taken by M. Fujii: http://vsnet1.harenet.ne.jp/~aikow/v2540_oph_0224.gif [vsnet-campaign-nova 848] V838 Mon Moderate resolution spectrum by C. Buil: http://vsnet.astrosurf.com/buil/us/nmon/nmon.htm [vsnet-campaign-v838mon 228] SN 2002ap Light curve provided by L. Cook: http://vsnet.geocities.com/lcoo/sn2002ap.gif [vsnet-campaign-sn2002ap 186] GK Per Predicted inferior conjunction times, see [vsnet-campaign-gkper 32] Corrigendum: In the last campaign summary: > TV Col (RA = 05h29m25s.5, Dec = -32d49'05".2) > > A fading of this object was reported (vsnet-campaign-ip 85, > vsnet-campaign-nl 66), but it turned out to be an error observation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error reporting Sorry for your confusion. (This summary can be cited.) Regards, Makoto Uemura