VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary *** Last week news *** (new targets) omega CMa (RA = 07h14m48s.70, Dec = -26d46'22".1) S. Otero reported that omega CMa is now in outburst. The outburst have started since the end of March 2001 when it was at 4.1mag and it brightened to 3.82 mag on the early June. Enzo de Bernardini reported 3.6mag in last week and S. Otero reported 3.67mag on October 19 (vsnet-campaign-be 147). V1363 Cyg (RA = 20h06m11s.58, Dec = +33d42'37".7) An observation of 15.3mag by C. P. Jones on October 18 indicates the unique, peculiar CV V1363 Cyg may be in outburst. The object has been fainter than mag 15 in recent years (vsnet-campaign 1193). BE Oct (RA = 00h00m48s.80, Dec = -77d18'57".1) B. Warner and P. Woudt reported an outburst of BE Oct (16.6mag) on October 18. Their high-speed photometry did not show any significant variations over an observing time of about an hour (vsnet-campaign-dn 1743). SN 2001ew (RA = 03h13m07s.46, Dec = +42d26'14".9) T. Boles has discovered a SN in a dim galaxy within the region of Abell 426 = "Perseus cluster". The magnitude at discovery (Oct. 9.133) was mag about 17 (unfiltered CCD). The position is about 5" due east of the nucleus of the anonymous spiral host galaxy. The host galaxy is near to UGC 2590, which is a member of the Abell 426. If the host galaxy is also a member of this cluster, the expected maximum of typical SN Ia is mag around 16 (vsnet-campaign-sn 263). The spectrum taken on Oct. 20 at Lick Observatory shows that this SN is of type Ia a few days after maximum light (vsnet-campaign-sn 266). SN 2001ez (RA = 05h42m37s.64, Dec = +69d14'14".6) The KAIT team has discovered a SN in the apparent satellite galaxy of NGC 1961. The magnitude at the discovery (Oct. 17.5) was mag 17.8, and it appeared 0.2 mag brighter on the next day. The position of a new object is about 4" east and 2" north of the nucleus of the spiral galaxy PGC 17642 = CGCG 329-009 (vsnet-campaign-sn 264). The spectrum taken on Oct. 19.49 at F. L. Whipple Observatory revealed that it is of type II. The reported magnitude is consistent for a typical SN II in this galaxy (vsnet-campaign-sn 266). SN 2001fa (RA = 01h48m22s.22, Dec = +11d31'34".4) The KAIT team discovered a bright SN 2001fa. The discovery made on Oct. 18.4 (mag about 16.9) and it brightened about 0.5 mag on the next day. The position of the new object is about 4" west and 18" north of the nucleus of the face-on spiral galaxy NGC 673. Spectral confirmation was done on Oct. 20.0 at Lick Observatory, which shows that it is of type-IIn. This SN seems to belong to the luminous class of type-IIn SN. It can reach typical SN Ia, which is expected to be mag 15.8 at maximum for this galaxy (vsnet-campaign-sn 265). SDSSp J173008.38+624754.7 (RA = 17h30m08s.38, Dec = +62d47'54".7) T. Kinnunen reported an outburst of this object from 14.7 to 13.9mag on October 18 (vsnet-campaign 1192). The outburst is still ongoing at around 14mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 1742, 1750, 1755). SDSSp J015151.87+140047.2 (RA = 01h51m51s.87, Dec = +14d00'47".2) T. Kato noticed that SDSSp J015151.87+140047.2 (Szkody et al., astro-ph/0110291) is identical with PG 0149+138. This PG object was proposed to be a possible SN, based on the PG detection at 15.72 mag. Together with the SDSS detection at 20.3 mag, and its spectrum, the object is most likely a dwarf nova caught in outburst on PG survey plates (vsnet-campaign 1184). P. Schmeer reported an identification with a r=19.1 USNO star (vsnet-campaign 1189, 1190). SDSSp J015543.40+002807.2 (RA = 01h55m43s.40, Dec = +00d28'07".2) T. Kato reported that this new CV, likely a magnetic system, is identified with a white dwarf/UV-bright object (LWD799, PHL1242) and a ROSAT source (vsnet-campaign 1185). SDSSp J023322.61+005059.5 (RA = 02h33m22s.61, Dec = +00d50'59".5) T. Kato reported that this new CV, likely a magnetic system, is identified with a UV-bright object (PHL4162) and a ROSAT source (vsnet-campaign 1186). SDSSp J161332.56-000331.0 (RA = 16h12m32s.56, Dec = -00d03'31".0) T. Kato reported that this new CV is identified a FASTT2 variable, FASTT2-1775. This star is probably the first new CV detected by the FASTT2 survey. The large-amplitude variation inferred from the available material suggests a dwarf nova or a similar system (vsnet-campaign-1187, 1188). IP Peg (RA = 23h23m08s.7, Dec = +18d24'59".1) An outburst reaching 12.3mag was reported on October 16 by M. Verdenet (vsnet-campaign-dn 1727). The outburst continues and the current magnitude is about 12.4mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 1735, 1741, 1749, 1756). (continuous targets) V391 Lyr (RA = 18h21m11s.97, Dec = +38d47'43".0) The outburst continues and the current magnitude is about 14.2mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 1724). Nova Cen 2001 (RA = 13h55m41s.27, Dec = -64d15'57".9) The object is fading from the rebrightening. It is now around 11.6mag (vsnet-campaign-nova 631). MV Lyr (RA = 19h07m15s.93, Dec = +44d01'10".7) The object further brightened to 12.8mag on October 15 (vsnet-campaign-nl 45). The bright state continues (vsnet-campaign-nl 47). IX Dra (RA = 18h12m32s.2, Dec = +67d04'41") A possible outburst of 15.0 was reported on October 13 by M. Reszelski (vsnet-campaign-dn 1723). EF Peg (RA = 21h15m04s, Dec = +14d03'50") The superoutburst continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 1722, 1730, 1736, 1740, 1748). M. Uemura reported that the time-series data on October 12, 13, 14, and 15 clearly showed a growth of humps from amplitudes of ~0.07mag to ~0.13mag. The decline speed became slow with this growth of humps (vsnet-campaign-dn 1726). On October 18, the 2-hour light curve taken at Kyoto showed a hump with an amplitude of about 0.05mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 1752). The VSNET team has received the time-series data from J. Pietz, D. Starkey, Ouda team, and Kyoto team (vsnet-campaign-dn 1733). KR Aur (RA = 06h15m45s.05, Dec = +28d34'16".0) The object further brightened to 13.3mag on October 17 as reported by M. Simonsen (vsnet-campaign-nl 46). The bright state continues (vsnet-campaign-nl 48). PKS 2155-304 (RA = 21h58m52s, Dec = -30d13'31") The object is still bright at about 12.5mag (vsnet-campaign-blazar 230). V2275 Cyg= Nova Cyg 2002 No. 2 (RA = 21h03m02s.00, Dec = +48d45'52".9) The fading rate is now very slow (vsnet-campaign-nova 634). V4740 Sgr = Nova Sgr 2001 No. 3 (RA = 18h11m45s.82, Dec = -30d30'49".9) The smooth fading is still ongoing (vsnet-campaign-nova 633). WZ Sge (RA = 20h07m36s.53, Dec = +17d42'15".3) The slow fading still continues. The profile of the variation is still changing dramatically. (vsnet-campaign-dn 1721, 1729, 1734, 1737, 1739, 1747, 1754). On October 14, the hump amplitudes further decreased and their profile became double-peaked. Eclipses became very indistinct (vsnet-campaign-dn 1725). On October 16, the humps again showed regrowth (vsnet-campaign-dn 1731). On October 18, the data showed two small humps and narrow-prominent eclipses, which were however displaced from the predicted times. A slow (~2 hr) modulation was superimposed on orbital variations (vsnet-campaign-dn 1745). The object slightly brightened on the late Ocrober 18 (vsnet-campaign-dn 1746). On October 19, humps moved to phase 0.3 and eclipses became shallow and broad, centered at phase 0.0 (vsnet-campaign-dn 1751). *** Future schedule *** WZ Sge campaign D. Steeghs wrote: "Several of us are organizing a campaign on the current outburst of WZ Sge, using a large variety of ground based facilities as well as space observatories. A web-page has been setup listing the scheduled observations so far which we intend to keep up to date at: http://vsnet.astro.soton.ac.uk/~ds/wzsge.html " For more information, see [vsnet-campaign 1039] Supernova campaign: A great opportunity for amateurs by M. Schwartz. For more detailed information, see [vsnet-campaign-sn 233] announce on the HST observations, see [vsnet-campaign-sn 240, 246] *** General information *** IP Peg eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 1728] WZ Sge nightly averaged magnitude, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 1732, 1753] updated light curve by G. Masi: http://vsnet.bellatrixobservatory.org/wzsge.htm [vsnet-campaign-dn 1744] eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 1757] EF Peg preprint by T. Kato: http://ftp.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/pub/vsnet/preprints/EF_Peg/ [vsnet-campaign-dn 1738] V2275 Cyg High resolution spectrum of nova Cyg 2001 #2 by C. Buil: http://vsnet.astrosurf.com/buil/us/ncyg2/ncyg2.htm [vsnet-campaign-nova 632] V4740 Sgr High resolution spectrum of nova Sgr 2001 #3 by C. Buil: http://vsnet.astrosurf.com/buil/us/nsgr/nsgr.htm [vsnet-campaign-nova 632] omega CMa Light curves by S. Otero: http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Curvas_Ome_CMa.htm Chart by S. Otero: http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Carta_ome_CMa.htm [vsnet-campaign-be 147] Field photometry files for some of the new SDSS CVs by A. Henden: http://ftp.nofs.navy.mil/pub/outgoing/aah/sequence/ [vsnet-campaign-1191] (This summary can be cited.) Regards, Makoto Uemura