WZ Sge: 12-th rebrightening, a different one! Dear Colleagues, Very preliminary analysis of the Kyoto data last night has shown that WZ Sge took a (very) slow rise between Sep. 11.5 and 12.5. The object has further risen since the preceding observation by D. Starkey. The rise time of ~1 d is extremely long compared to those of the previous rebrightenings. This suggest that the present rebrightening has a different nature from the past rebrightenings. It would be noteworthy that the 6-th (last) rebrightening of EG Cnc had a substantially slower rise, accompanied with a slow rise lasting more than a day before reaching maximum (Kato et al. 1997). Observers are most strongly and urgently requested to follow the behavior of WZ Sge! The time-series light curve looks rather flat, pending further detailed analysis. More later. Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team