WZ Sge: fading from the sixth rebrightening! Dear Colleagues, We have received new data from T. Vanmunster, K. Morikawa, B. Martin, J. Pietz, and new data from Kyoto observation last night (observer R. Ishioka). WZ Sge is now fading from its sixth rebrightening. However, the duration of the flat maximum exceeds 0.5 d, which seems to be the longest among all rebrightenings. The fading started during the Kyoto observation. Eclipses and (super)humps persist throughout this period, and a preliminary look at the light curve, the phase of the (super)hump maxima comes closer to the eclipse center. More detailed analysis will be presented later. Another noteworthy feature from these data is the sudden brightening occurring at Aug. 31 13h UT. The system became systematically brighter by about 0.1 mag thereafter. The feature was first caught in the Kyoto observation, but we considered it as some unknown instrumental effect. However, simultaneously taken Morikawa's data have confirmed its reality. The phase is unrelated to an eclipse timing, and the cause of such a sudden change is unknown. Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team