WZ Sge: fourth rebrightening Dear Colleagues, We have received new data from T. Vanmunster, J. Pietz, D. Boyd (two nights) and M. Richmond, S. Davis, M. Aggeleton (RIT team), and are intensively analyzing the Kyoto Aug. 28 observation (observed by Ishioka-san). A quick look at the data have shown that the system has undergone its fourth rebrightening, slowly starting near the end of Vanmunster's run, major rise during the RIT observation, and peaking at the beginning at the Kyoto Aug. 28 run. The peak brighteness may even surpass those of the three preceding ones (pending more accurate zero point adjustment). The object has already stared a slow fading, as reported by J. Pietz. The complex hump features are observed to grow during the Vanunster's run, stronger in RIT runs. The profile has become a "triple wave" at the time of the Kyoto observation, and its pattern persists in the latest Pietz's run. The system may fade rapidly again, but the recurrence time is peogressively getting shorter. One may witness the next rise at any time! We will be undertaking on the phasing/period analysis, as well as further analysis of the Kyoto data. More information will be posted later. Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team