WZ Sge: strong super?-QPOs on Aug. 22 data Dear Colleagues, As reported by Uemura-san, the Ouda team succeeded in taking high S/N, high speed (net resolution 3s) photometry of WZ Sge on Aug. 22 (and Aug. 23). The analysis of the Aug. 22 data shows the presence of strong QPO signal, with characteristic periods of 3-5 min, and amplitudes up to 0.1 mag. The long coherence of the QPO signal strongly resembles so-called super-QPOs (Kato et al., PASJ 44, L215, 1992) observed only during superoutbursts. The period of superhumps seems to show secular changes, as was observed in EF Peg during the 1991 superoutburst. The correlation analysis with the simltaneous Kyoto data shows that the "noise-looking" signals in the Kyoto data are actually these QPOs. These QPOs are detectable only with the highest resolution (10-15s or better). Please continue your present configuration, if your equipment is able to get the data at such a high rate. Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team