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[vsnet-campaign 1063] VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

# This week's summary is delivered two days earlier since 
# the author will be out of the office on the next Monday.
*** Last week news ***

(new targets)
  J1628-41		(RA = 16h28m47s.267, Dec = -41d52'38".6)

    G. Tsarevsky reported the discovery of a candidate of microquasars, 
  J1628-41 in [vsnet-campaign 1058].  The object shows a hard spectrum 
  in X-ray, a flat radio spectrum, and a K5 star-like spectrum in optical.  
  These imply that this object is a candidate of microquasars.  They call 
  for observations on this object (vsnet-campaign-xray 78).

  KL Dra		(RA = 19h24m38s.14, Dec = +59d41'47".1)

    M. Wood reported that they found KL Dra in high state (~16.7mag) 
  and observed superhumps with a period of 25 minutes (1527 s), which 
  is remarkably close to the 1490s period for CR Boo.  They also 
  noted that the star was originally thought to be a supernova, and 
  it's original designations was sn1998di, however a spectrum showed  
  it to be similar to the AM CVn class of stars (vsnet-campaign 1050).

  TU Men		(RA = 04h41m38s.10, Dec = -76d36'09".7)
    P. Nelson reported a possible outburst (12.2:mag) of TU Men 
  on July 30.  B. Monard confirmed the outburst at 12.4 mag on 
  August 1 (vsnet-campaign-dn 1085).

(continuous targets) 
  WZ Sge		(RA = 20h07m36s.53, Dec = +17d42'15".3)

    The historical outburst is now ongoing (vsnet-campaign-dn 1063, 
  1071, 1091).  The current magnitude is about 9.7mag (vsnet-campaign-dn  
  1091, 1098).

    Since July 30, the profile of main humps has become broader and 
  the secondary hump tends to become stronger (vsnet-campaign-dn 1057, 
  1078).  The amplitude of the main peak has become smaller from 0.5mag 
  to 0.2 - 0.1mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 1065).  The hump profiles have 
  become irregular with time (vsnet-campaign 1060).  Around August 2, 
  the decline speed has become slower (vsnet-campaign-dn 1080).
  G. Masi reported eclipses occurring about 10 minutes early than 
  previsions from the ephemeris (vsnet-campaign-dn 1078).  

    The period analysis of humps shows possible variation of period, 
  however the ordinal superhumps are not apparently seen:  G. Masi 
  reported a period of 0.05682 d which is longer than orbital one 
  (0.05668d) using his July 31 data (vsnet-campaign-dn 1065, 1066).
  T. Kato however obtained a period near orbital period using the 
  combined data and further reported that the hump period may decrease 
  with time on the basis of daily averaged profiles (vsnet-campaign-dn 
  1067).  T. Kato then reported a longer period of 0.05677 d using the 
  combined data of the later half on August 1 (vsnet-campaign 1052, 
  1053).  He reported 0.05615 d using August 2 data and 0.056743 d 
  using August 1.5-2.5 data (vsnet-campaign 1054, vsnet-campaign-dn 1084).
  The data set on August 2.1-3.1 shows 0.056596 d periodicity, which 
  implies the tendency of a shorter period (vsnet-campaign 1087, 1089).
  On August 3, T. Kato reported the hump period is consistent with 
  the orbital one (vsnet-campaign 1061).  Using the data from August 
  3.88 to 4.06, G. Masi reported a shorter period of 0.05659 d 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 1093).  T. Kato reported 0.056769 d using the data 
  on August 3.2-4.1 (vsnet-campaign 1062).  G. Masi reported 0.057229 d 
  using his 6.5 hours run on August 3 (vsnet-campaign-dn 1094, 1096). 
  T. Kato obtained 0.05655 d using the same data (vsnet-campaign-dn 1097).
    Time-series photometry by S. Kiyota on July 30 can be available 
  in [vsnet-campaign-data 68].  L. Kral reported photometry data by 
  M. Kolasa, T. Hynek, and L. Kral in [vsnet-campaign-data 69] and 
  [vsnet-campaign-data 70].  The VSNET collaboration team has obtained 
  a number of data sets which kindly sent by G. Masi and F. Mallia 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 1058, 1065, 1083, 1090, 1100, 1102, 1103, 
  vsnet-campaign 1057), M. Richmond (vsnet-campaign-dn 1069, 1082, 1101), 
  L. Kral (vsnet-campaign-data 69, vsnet-campaign 1049), R. Novak 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 1073), J. Pietz, L. Cook, D. Starkey, S. Kiyota, 
  B. Martin, A. Oksanen, M. Moilanen, A. Good, M. Kolasa, T. Hynek.

  IX Dra                (RA = 18h12m32s.2, Dec = +67d04'41")

    As reported by M. Reszelski in August 1, IX Dra experienced an 
  outburst at 14.6mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 1079).

  IP Peg		(RA = 23h23m08s.7, Dec = +18d24'59".1)

    The outburst is gradually fading.  The current magnitude is 
  13.2-13.5 (vsnet-campaign-dn 1064, 1072, 1092).

  V2274 Cyg		(RA = 20h07m17s.94, Dec = +36d04'37".2)
    As reported since July 31, this nova has rebrightened 
  (vsnet-campaign-nova 422, 423).  The time-series photometry 
  by K. Hornoch can be available in [vsnet-campaign-data 71].

  V818 Sco		(RA = 16h19m55s.07, Dec = -15d38'24".5)

    The strong activity still continues around 12.0-12.7mag 
  (vsnet-campaign-xray 79).

  V1504 Cyg		(RA = 19h28m55.87s, Dec = +43d05'39".9)

    The superoutburst still continues.  The current magnitude seems 
  to be fainter than 15mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 1062, 1077).

  BL Lac		(RA = 22h02m42.86s, Dec = +42d16'37.6")

    The fading continues.  The current magnitude is about 14.7mag 
  (vsnet-campaign-blazar 219).

  FO And		(RA = 01h15m32s.14, Dec = +37d37'35".5)

    The superoutburst detected in July 10 is still ongoing 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 1081).

  V445 Pup		(RA = 07h37m56s.88, Dec = -25d56'59".1)

    B. Monard reported a dramatically fading of V445 Pup.    
  It seems to be fainter than 12.9mag on August 1 although it was 
  reported to be 11.5mag on July 11 (vsnet-campaign-nova 424).

*** Future schedule ***

  AM Her and VY Scl stars campaign with the Keck I telescope 
	from August 12-14
  F. Rinwald wrote in [vsnet-campaign 1059]:
	"Many cataclysmic variables, especially AM Her and VY Scl stars, have
  erratic and poorly understood low states.  We have an observing run
  scheduled on the Keck I telescope from August 12-14, to find out why.  It
  has long been suspected that these low states may be due to starspots on
  the mass-losing star that form or move over L1 and choke off the flow.
  This idea is not without problems, however, but then that's why we want to
  get our spectra."
    They call for photometric monitorings and listed targets in 
  [vsnet-campaign 1059] and [vsnet-campaign-nl 23].

  WZ Sge campaign 
    D. Steeghs wrote:
	"Several of us are organizing a campaign on the current outburst 
  of WZ Sge, using a large variety of ground based facilities as well as 
  space observatories.  A web-page has been setup listing the scheduled 
  observations so far which we intend to keep up to date at:

  For more information, see [vsnet-campaign 1039]

  V446 Her campaign until September
    conducted by Matthias Schreiber, Boris Gaensicke, and Daisaku Nogami
  For more detailed information, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 918], 
  [vsnet-campaign-nova 349], or [vsnet-campaign 983]

  CV conference at Goettingen, 5-10 August 2001
	[vsnet-announce 15, 20]

  Two Years of Science with Chandra *
    * This meeting will also be the 12th Annual Maryland Astrophysics 
	September 5-7, 2001
    For more information, see [vsnet-campaign-xray 66]

*** General information ***

  WZ Sge
    Light curve obtained by the VSNET collaboration team:
					[vsnet-campaign-dn 1055, 1056, 1059,
						1060, 1061, 1070, 1074, 1075,
						1088, 1095
					 vsnet-campaign 1055]
    Light curves presented by G. Masi:
					[vsnet-campaign-dn 1078, 1086, 1094]
    Light curve and data set by M. Richmond:
					[vsnet-campaign-dn 1069]
					[vsnet-campaign-dn 1082]
    Light curves presented by L. Kral
					[vsnet-campaign 1049]
    eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 1076]

  KL Dra
    Light curve in high state presented by M. Wood:
					[vsnet-campaign 1050]
    VSNET page:
					[vsnet-campaign 1051]

  V1178 Sco
    preprint by T. Kato:
      article, see [vsnet-campaign-nova 425]

(This summary can be cited.)	

Makoto Uemura

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