From: "Matt A. Wood" <> Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 16:16:37 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [vsnet-outburst 0] KL Dra superhumps observed Colleagues: We observed KL Draconis, a suspected CR Boo star, on 7/31/01 UT. We found it in high state (mag 16.7 or so) and observed superhumps with a period of 25 minutes (1527 s), which is remarkably close to the 1490s period for CR Boo. Our observations were taken with an Apogee AP7p CCD at the SARA 0.9-m observatory at Kitt Peak National Observatory. We used 90 second integrations and no filter. There was cirrus present, but the differential light curve is good. Observers were Matt Wood and Matt Casey. Our light curve from that night and the Fourier transform are available at The star was originally thought to be a supernova, and it's original designations was sn1998di, however a spectrum showed it to be similar to the AM CVn class of stars. The classification spectrum is available at: We're writing up a short Letter to announce the period determination, but I know many of you will be interested to know this result sooner rather than later. If anyone has access to a 1-m class telescope and can get more time series observations in the next few days, that would be very useful. Our telescope is now shutdown for the next month. The reductions are a little difficult becuase KL Dra in front of a galaxy, so when it in low state (mag 20), it begins to blend in with the galaxy and is very tough to get photometry. Best regards, Matt -- Matt A. Wood, Associate Professor Email: SARA NSF-REU Site Program Director Tel: (321) 674-7207 Dept. of Physics and Space Sciences Fax: (321) 674-7482 Florida Institute of Technology WWW: Melbourne, FL 32901-6975, USA SARA-WWW: