Dear Colleagues, at Bellatrix Observatory I've just started a run for this star. It seems to me even brighter! SGEWZ 20010723.8936 8.4Rc MAS this is based on R magnitudes from USNO A2.0 for the star in the field. Astrometry follows (J2000.0): RA: 20 07 36.53 Decl: +17 42 15.3 10 reference stars from USNO A2.0; mean residuals: 0.25" Regards, Gianluca Scrive Makoto Uemura <>: > > WZ Sge: rapidly brightening! > > Our preliminary photometry of WZ Sge shows a rapidly brightening > of the object. We started time-series observation at 14:30 (UT) and > the object was about 9.5mag at that time, and then, now (17:00 UT) we > estimate the object is about 9.1mag, which indicates the rising rate > is about 3.8 mag/day. > > As in the recent case of RZ Leo and AL Com, WZ Sge stars show > "early superhump" during the very early phase of their outbursts. > Tonight observations are important to study the birth of early > superhumps. > As well as follow-up photometric observations, tonight spectroscopy is > > strongly urged. > > As reported by Dr. Kuulkers, the object may show short-period > oscillations during the rising phase, so observers should take CCD > images with an exposure time as short as possible. > The Kyoto team is now observing with an exposure time of 10s > (25-cm SC + ST-7E). > > Regards, > Makoto Uemura > >