Dear Colleagues, Combined the data kindly sent to the VSNET collaboration team (vsnet-campaign 918), we have performed preliminary analysis of these early obsevations. We performed period analysis using May 19 data (the Kyoto team and the R. Novak & P. Sobotka) and May 20 data (the Kyoto team), and obtained the best candidate of the period of early superhumps of 0.05673 (8) d which is consistent with the orbital period within its error. The profile has double peaks (~0.1mag) per one period. The light curve by R. Novak and P. Sobotka clearly shows this feature. The double-peak profile can be also sometimes seen in the Kyoto data, but not constantly. This may imply that the amplitude of these humps are variable. The light curve on May 20 taken by R. Novak & P. Sobotka shows a relatively large (~0.2mag) hump with a single peak. The phase of this peak is quite different from that of earlier humps, so we should consider these have an essentially different nature. According to the light curve on May 21 by Gary W. Billings and R. Novak & P. Sobotka, this large hump seems to be diminished and the light curve has become more smooth, and no prompt periodic variations are not seen. The object is now gradually faded with 0.08mag/d. We will see the evolution of normal superhumps within these days, so follow-up obsevations are strongly urged. Regards, M. Uemura, R. Ishioka, T. Kato, R. Novak, P. Sobotka, and G. W. Billings on behalf of the VSNET AL Com collaboration team