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[vsnet-campaign 857] BC UMa possible outburst

BC UMa possible outburst

   Jose Ripero reports that the SU UMa-type dwarf nova BC UMa may be
undergoing an outburst.  Confirmatory observations are most urgently

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20010408.326  <138  (M. Simonsen)
  20010409.819  <153  (T. Kinnunen)
  20010409.853  <138  (E. Muyllaert)
  20010410.830  <153  (T. Kinnunen)
  20010411.867  <142  (E. Muyllaert)
  20010411.891  <140  (J. Ripero)
  20010413.867  <142  (E. Muyllaert)
  20010413.869  <138  (M. Westlund)
  20010413.968  <158  (C. P. Jones)
  20010414.226  <142  (M. Simonsen)
  20010414.885   141  (J. Ripero)

   The object underwent a superoutburst in 2000 April, which was followed
by a post-superoutburst rebrightening.  This superoutburst was exceptionally
perfectly followed by the VSNET Collaboration team (cf. vsnet-alert 4522,
4523, 4524, 4530, 4532, 4537, 4553, 4556, 4562, 4567, 4577, 4584, 4586,
4591, 4595, 4601, 4613, 4614, 4665, 4666, 4667, 4668, 4669,0 4670, 4671,
4672).  The interval since the 2000 superoutburst may suggest that the
present outburst (if confirmed) may be a normal outburst, which has never
been observed in recent years (most of BC UMa outbursts are superoutburst,
just as in SW UMa, or more exceptionally in WZ Sge).  Observations during
the present outburst (if confirmed) are very strongly encouraged in order
to study the nature of rarely met normal outburst in such systems.
A similar system SW UMa is known to show "intermediate outbursts", which
have brightness and durations between those of bright superoutbursts and
normal outbursts.  Past observations of SW UMa during such an outburst
has shown ununual development of superhumps.  Observers of BC UMa should
also bear in mind such an unexpected variation could be recorded.

   The VSNET Collaboration team is happy to receive any data on this
object, either in outburst or quiescence.  Please make the best science!

VSNET Collaboration team

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