VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary *** Last week news *** (new targets) CE-315 (RA = 13h12m46s.5, Dec = -23d21'31") According to astro-ph/0103355, M. T. Ruiz et al. discovered a ultra-short period CV (helium CV like GP Com). The binary period is 65.1+/-0.7 min, which seems to make the system something intermediate between helium CVs and V485 Cen-like system. Since the object is expected to show outbursts as in other similar systems, we encourage observers to monitor this object closely, and report if any brightening is caught (vsnet-campaign 823). 3C 279 (RA = 12h56m11s.1, Dec = -05d47'20") A possible brightening (14.7mag) was reported on March 19 (vsnet-campaign-blazar 169). Z UMi (RA = 15h02m01s.35, Dec = +83d03'48".7) The R CrB star is definitely fading, as indicated by the observations reported during the last week. This is the first fading since 1999 (vsnet-campaign 819). CT Hya (RA = 08h51m04s.50, Dec = +03d07'43".5) An outburst (14.9mag) were reported on March 23. It is likely normal one (vsnet-campaign-dn 608). (continuous targets) NSV 10934 (RA = 18h40m52s.26, Dec = -83d43'10".24) The outbust was terminated during the last week (vsnet-campaign-dn 603). RX Cha (RA = 10h36m26s.33, Dec = -80d02'48".2) The outburst still continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 607). BF Ara (RA = 17h38m10s.40, Dec = -47d10'43".4) The long outburst continues, and the current magnitude is around 14.2-14.4mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 604, 609). V445 Pup (RA = 07h37m56s.88, Dec = -25d56'59".1) The object is gradually fading (vsnet-campaign-nova 274). MKN 421 (RA = 11h04m27s, Dec = +38d12'32") The bright state continues (vsnet-campaign-blazar 170, 171). DW Cnc (RA = 07h58m56s.80, Dec = +16d16'48".2) R. Novak sent his data to the Kyoto team. His data confirms the similar periodicity previously reported from the Kyoto and Ouda data. On March 20, T. Kato reported that the combined data set shows 0.0275 day or its double periodicity (vsnet-campaign 818). On March 22, he again reported that the data including the additional one show a very gradual fading trend (0.04 mag/d) which may resemble those of slowly fading plateau of ER UMa stars. The period analysis yielded multiple period candidates at 0.0756 d, 0.0536 d, 0.0488 d, and 0.0276 d. He noticed that there may be a hint of beats between these periods, but if any shorter one of them is a superhump/orbital period, this system may be an extremely rare system close to the CV period minimum, or below the period (vsnet-campaign 822). The similar periodicity and an amplitude of 0.4mag modulations are also seen in the J. Pietz's observation (vsnet-campaign 824). The combined data including the Kyoto March 23 data shows 0.05mag period (vsnet-campaign 825). The bright state continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 602, 605). CR Boo (RA = 13h48m55s.42, Dec = +07d57'30".3) A bright outburst was reported on March 19 (vsnet-campaign-dn 599). T. Kato performed time-series photometry at Ouda and detected clear doubly shaped humps with respect to the 1490s signal (vsnet-campaign-dn 600). The object began fading on March 22 (vsnet-campaign-dn 606). Delta Sco (RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17") The bright state continues, and the current magnitude is around 1.8mag (vsnet-campaign-be 94). KR Aur (RA = 06h15m45s.05, Dec = +28d34'16".0) The brightening of this object was reported on March 21 (vsnet-campaign-nl 9). *** Future schedule *** RZ LMi campaign conducted by J. Patterson on April 2001 For more information, see [vsnet-campaign 718, vsnet-campaign-dn 429]. Elizabeth and Frederick White Workshop AGN variability across the Electromagnetic Spectrum 25 - 29 June 2001 Sydney, Australia For more information, see [vsnet-campaign-blazar 168]. *** General information *** U Gem eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 601]. DW Cnc sequence and chart reported by B. Sumner, see [vsnet-campaign 820] or: http://joevp.20m.com/cgi-bin/i/charts/hscharts/South_up/Cnc_DW_sxn.jpg http://ftp.nofs.navy.mil/pub/outgoing/aah/sequence/dwcnc.dat delta Vel NASA press release: http://vsnet.jpl.nasa.gov/releases/2001/blink.html (This summary can be cited.) Regards, Makoto Uemura