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[vsnet-campaign 755] UV Gem outburst

UV Gem outburst

   Rod Stubbings reports that the SU UMa-type dwarf nova UV Gem is in
outburst.  Even outburst at this magnitude can be a superoutburst (as in
the 1999 December one).  The classification of the present outburst is
unclear because of the lack of precedent observations.  Follow-up
observations and  time-resolved photometry (if applicable) is encouraged.

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20010125.935  <145  (M. Reszelski)
  20010126.232  <144  (M. Simonsen)
  20010126.585  <144  (R. Stubbings)
  20010126.910  <152  (M. Reszelski)
  20010128.242  <144  (M. Simonsen)
  20010128.481  <151  (R. Stubbings)
  20010129.505  <151  (R. Stubbings)
  20010131.515  <144  (R. Stubbings)
  20010202.966  <140  (M. Reszelski)
  20010203.492  <140  (R. Stubbings)
  20010210.453   150  (R. Stubbings)

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