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[vsnet-campaign 730] XTE J1550-564 brightening again

XTE J1550-564 brightening again

   According to IAUCs 7575, the southern black hole X-ray transient
(X-ray nova) XTE J1550-564 is brightening again.  The source has brigtened
V=18.3 on Jan. 28-30 (R magnitudes are typically 1 mag brighter).
The source was first observed in outburst in 1998 September (IAUC 7008),
whose optical counterpart (V=16) was immediately discovered at
15h 50m 58s.78, -56o 28' 35".0 (J2000.0, IAUC 7009).  Among VSNET
members, Gordon Garradd observed the source for several nights.
The present renewed activity may or may not resemble "mini-outbursts"
notably observed in GRO J0422+32 (=V518 Per).  Another outburst was
observed in 2000 April (IAUC 7399, 7400).  The object would be well
observed using a small telescope with a CCD.

   Sequence information: see vsnet-alert 4607, 4608

VSNET Collaboration team

(PS. Among the transients in 1998, the object still lacks the GCVS designation)

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