Dear all, > The quiescent counterpart has been suggested to be a 18-th mag USNO > star, which is not markedly blue. This may suggest that the true > quiescence of V344 Ori may be fainter. (see, however, the > spectroscopic observation given in Munari et al. A&AS 122, 495, > which shows strong balmer emission lines). I have done astrometry of V344 Ori with the Kyoto image taken on Jan. 16 with 25 GSC-ACT stars as: R.A. = 6h15m18s.92, Decl. = +15o30'59".7. The accuracy is better than 0".5, perhaps 0".3 level. It agrees very well with DWS97 position (end figures 18s.9, 31'00") The suggestion that the USNO_A2.0 star (position end figures 18s.962, 59".98, r=17.8, b=18.4) is a quiscent counterpart is very plausible. Sincerely Yours, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan