UV Per rebrightening Yet another rebrightening!! The Kyoto data on Dec. 11 and the following Kinnunen's data have not shown a clear evidence of brightening on the night of Dec. 11. The object was recorded at the similar magnitude as on Dec. 10 (above quiescence). The interval between the fading from the main superoutburst and the rebrightening is about 7 days, which is a relatively typical value for SU UMa-type rebrightening. However, the discrimination from the very rare examples such as the 1978 superoutburst of WZ Sge, the 1995 superoutburst of AL Com and the 1997 superoutburst of V2176 Cyg (USNO1425.09823278), needs to be confirmed. Because of the low frequency of outbursts, the rebrightenings of UV Per have not been well recorded with modern devices; we strongly urge observers to monitor this object closely until the final quiescence is reached. Regards, VSNET Collaboration team