RX J0944.5+0357 outburst confirmed, time-series photometry by Kiyota Dear Colleagues, The first-ever outburst of RX J0944.5+0357, reported by T. Watanabe, has been confirmed by S. Kiyota (Tsukuba, Japan), who reported a representative V-magnitude of 14.07 on 2000 Jan. 5.580 UT. He also reported 2.5-hour time-series photometry, which shows small-amplitude irregular fluctuations superimposed on a gradual fading. There was no superhump-like modulation up to an amplitude of 0.1 mag. The object is likely a long-period system, or the outburst is a normal outburst. Further observations are encouraged to clarify the nature of the object. Regards, VSNET Collaboration team