VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary *** Last week news *** (new targets) Possible Nova in Pup (RA = 07h37m56s.91, Dec = -25d56'59".7) Kazuyoshi Kanatsu (Matsue, Shimane, Japan) reported the discovery of a new variable star, which is likely a nova based on the absence of apparent counterparts on his previous image, DSS and 2MASS. His discovery magnitude is mag 8.7p on December 22. K. Takamizawa (Nagano, Japan) reported prediscovery observations (November 28, 8.6p mag) on his patrol films. Takamizawa reported that the object was not recorded on 22 films (limiting magnitude 14) between 1994 March 14 and 1999 December 3. He further reported the presence of a close companion of 14.5 mag USNO star(vsnet-campaign-nova 94). This USNO star is recorded by 2MASS survey, which gives J=12.50, H=11.75, Ks=11.51, not particularly red among neibouring stars. K. Takamizawa performed photometry of this companion star (vsnet-campaign-nova 101). H. Abe performed astrometry and determined above position of the possible nova (vsnet-alert 5492). This position agrees that of the USNO star within 1-2 arcsec. If this star is indeed the progenitor of the erupting object, the color from the comparison between the visual and 2MASS magnitudes becomes V-J = +2. The color is not particularly red in this field. Even assuming that the object is not significantly reddened, the color is still bluer than most of symbiotic stars, which have V-J colors of +3 to +5 or even larger. If the object is a nova, the color suggests either a) usual cataclysmic variable with moderate reddening or b) cataclysmic-type binary with a relatively evolved secondary (vsnet-campaign-nova 104). UV Gem (RA = 06h38m44s.51, Dec = +18d16'05".6) R. Stubbings reported that the SU UMa-type dwarf nova UV Gem is in outburst at 15.0 on December 27. Even outburst at this magnitude can be a superoutburst (as in 1999 December one)(vsnet-campaign 628). The observed magnitude of 15.1mag on December 28 indicates no significant fading (vsnet-campaign-dn 362). TT Ind (RA = 20h33m39s.79, Dec = -56d33'43".8) As reported by R. Stubbings on December 27, TT Ind is in outburst at 13.5mag (vsnet-campaign 629). The object became brighter (13.0mag) on December 28 as reported by R. Stubbings (vsnet-campaign-dn 361). (continuous targets) RZ Leo (RA = 11h37m22s.27, Dec = +01d48'58".9) From the observation on December 25 by the Kyoto team and S. Kiyota, T. Kato reported the superhumps with narrower peaks and with an amplitude of 0.35 mag (vsnet-campaign 623). A light curve observed by G. Masi shows one "early superhump" maximum on December 22 (vsnet-campaign 624). The data until December 26 by the Kyoto team, S. Kiyota, and R. Novak, yielded a superhump period of 0.07851 d, which is slightly shorter than the previous determination. This may suggest a shortening of the superhump period. In the light curve on December 26, superhumps have become narrower, more resembling those of usual SU UMa type stars. Secondary superhump maxima (small notches) were visible both on Tsukuba and Kyoto data (vsnet-campaign 626). An analysis of RZ Leo observations obtained by T. Vanmunster combined with data supplied by J. Pietz, revealed a fairly simple superhump signal at 0.0785 +- 0.0002 d. This yields a fractional period excess of 3.3%, which is a rather standard excess value (vsnet-campaign 630). From a steep fading seen in December 27 data by the Kyoto team and S. Kiyota, T. Kato suggested there seems to be a wavy pattern with a period of 2-3 d in the averaged light curve. This is likely caused by the beat phenomenon between the superhump period and the orbital period, a natural consequence of a high-inclination system (vsnet-campaign 633). A brightening which was seen in the Kyoto team data on December 28 is consistent with the presence of the beat phenomenon (vsnet-campaign 637). The analysis of all VSNET collaboration data since December 23.5 UT up to the Kyoto December 29 full run has yielded the best superhump period of 0.07863 d (vsnet-campaign 640). J. Pietz presented two light curves at his web site (see below "General Information"; vsnet-campaign-dn 354). A. Oksanen provided the data on December 27 and 28 at [vsnet-campaign 634]. The superoutburst is now ongoing. WY Tri (RA = 02h25m12s.08, Dec = +33d00'31".5) M. Uemura (Kyoto team) reported a rapid fading of WY Tri on December 27. The first confirmed superoutburst was terminated (vsnet-campaign-dn 368). Observations by the Kyoto team and R. Novak yielded the best candidate of the superhump period to be 0.078483 day(vsnet-campaign-dn 376). J. Pieatz presented light curves at his web site (see "General Information"; vsnet-campaign 641). UV Per (RA = 02h10m13s.58, Dec = +57d11'26".8) From the observation on December 25 at Kyoto, T. Kato reported the detection of growing superhumps whose amplitude grew from less than 0.1 mag to 0.15 mag, and relatively rapid fading (0.3 mag/d). The superhump period was somewhat longer than that obtained by other authors on earlier superoutbursts. This suggests that the superhump was still is in its unsteady phase. It is also striking to note such an early appearance of superhumps in such a short period system (vsnet-campaign 622). The Kyoto data on December 26 shows that UV Per had risen by ~0.5 mag compared to December 25. Fully grown superhumps, with amplitudes nearly 0.4 mag, were seen (vsnet-campaign 627). The Kyoto data on December 27 show smooth superhumps with an amplitude of 0.25 mag, and the rising stopped, and the object is apparently at maximum (vsnet-campaign 632). The object has been steadily fading since December 28. Clear superhumps with an amplitude of 0.2 mag are present in the light curve on December 28 (vsnet-campaign 636). T. Kato reported the analysis of combined data with Kyoto and B. Martin's observations, the best superhump period is determined as 0.06661 d (after the evolution of full superhumps), which is slightly longer than the previously published period (vsnet-campaign 639). The object showed somewhat rapid fading on December 29 (vsnet-campaign-dn 371, 372). J. Pietz presented a light curve at his web site (see "General Information"; vsnet-campaign 641). T. Kato presented a light curve obtained by VSNET collaboration team at vsnet ftp site (see "General Information"; vsnet-campaign 642). The superoutburst is now ongoing. BL Lac (RA = 22h02m42.86s, Dec = +42d16'37.6") The observation reported by T. Kinnunen showed temporary fading (14.8mag) on December 27 (vsnet-campaign-blazar 121). TV Col (RA = 05h29m25s.5, Dec = -32d49'05".2) Following the last outburst on December 24, no major outburst is not observed on December 25 and 26 (vsnet-campaign-ip 23). OJ 287 (RA = 08h51m57s, Dec = 20d17'59") The bright state continues. The current magnitude is about 14.4 (vsnet-campaign-blazar 120). 3C 66A (RA = 02h22m39s.6, Dec = +43d02'08") The object further brightened to 14.0mag on December 28 as reported by M. Simonsen (vsnet-campaign-blazar 119). Delta Sco (RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17") Some observations confirmed Delta Sco is still bright (vsnet-campaign-be 72, 73). *** Future schedule *** TV Col campaign conducted by A. Retter (2001 January 2 - 15): "Recently using previously published data, we discovered evidence for another periodicity in the light curve of TV Col. The 6.4-h period would be the longest recorded positive superhump. To confirm this period, I'll carry out continuous photometry on TV Col during two weeks in January (2-15) using the 0.75-m reflector with the UCT CCD in Sutherland, South Africa. I am calling for a campaign on TV Col during these nights. As the candidate periodicity is relatively long, multi-longitude continuous monitoring of the object is extremely important to reduce the aliasing problem. So, if you can observe the object for at least ~4 h (preferably more than one 6.4-h cycle), please let me know." for more information, see [vsnet-campaign 579],[vsnet-campaign-ip 15] *** General information *** RZ Leo Lightcurves presented by J. Pietz: http://home.t-online.de/home/Jochen.Pietz/rzleo1.gif http://home.t-online.de/home/Jochen.Pietz/rzleo2.gif [vsnet-campaign-dn 354] WY Tri Lightcurves presented by J. Pietz: http://home.t-online.de/home/Jochen.Pietz/wytri1.gif http://home.t-online.de/home/Jochen.Pietz/wytri2.gif [vsnet-campaign 641] UV Per Lightcurves presented by J. Pietz: http://home.t-online.de/home/Jochen.Pietz/uvper1.gif [vsnet-campaign 641] VSNET collaborator's light curve presented by T. Kato: http://ftp.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/pub/vsnet/DNe/UV_Per/001229.gif [vsnet-campaign 642] The summary of the VSNET Weekly Campaign Summaries in 2000 "VSNET 2000" is available at: http://vsnet.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/vsnet/Summary/vsnet2000.html (This summary is reproduction free.) Regards, Makoto Uemura