RU Hor outburst Rod Stubbings reports that the dwarf nova RU Hor is undergoing a relatively rare outburst. The last reported outburst occurred in 1999 August. The object has a relatively large outburst amplitude (>5 mag?), which would make it a good candidate for an SU UMa-type dwarf nova. Being at favorable location, we encourage time-resolved photometry (more than three hours long) to clarify the nature of the object. Time-series CCD observations, if applicable, should be sent to vsnet-campaign-data (not to this list). YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer 20000919.571 <138 (R. Stubbings) 20000920.496 <134 (R. Stubbings) 20000921.576 <140 (R. Stubbings) 20000928.499 <134 (R. Stubbings) 20000929.467 <134 (R. Stubbings) 20001003.537 <138 (R. Stubbings) 20001016.482 <134 (R. Stubbings) 20001021.476 <134 (R. Stubbings) 20001114.456 138 (R. Stubbings) 20001114.465 138 (R. Stubbings) 20001114.474 138 (R. Stubbings) Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team