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[vsnet-campaign 546] VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary
*** Last week news ***

(new targets)
  KW And		(RA = 02h35m17s.991, Dec = +41d14'02".47)
    T. Kinnunen found the large-amplitude dwarf nova KW And is in outburst
  at the magnitude of 15.0 on October 22.  The last outburst was observed in 
  2000 March (vsnet-campaign 537).  From 2-hour time-series observation on 
  October 26, Ouda team reported a possible short-term modulation with its 
  amplitude of 0.2mag (vsnet-campaign 540).  H. Yamaoka performed astrometry 
  using Ouda image, and reported the accurate position as above.  It seems 
  secure that the USNO_A2.0 star at (end figures) 18s.00, 02".1 is identical 
  to KW And, whose USNO_A2.0 rmag = 17.8 and bmag = 18.6.  It seems that 
  Kurochkin, 1977 is the only one reference of the type identification (UG) 
  and the GCVS minimum magnitude(22:p) (vsnet-campaign-dn 224). 

  SN 2000dw		(RA = 22h13m49s.06, Dec = +39d14'15".1)

    H. Yamaoka wrote in [vsnet-campaign-sn 104] that Beijing group discovered 
  a new supernova, SN 2000dw in Scd galaxy UGC 11955 at mag 17.5:C.  
  The position is just a few arcseconds NE of the nucleus of the host. 
  The recession velocity of the host galaxy suggest that the normal SN Ia 
  without extinction would become mag 16 at its maximum.

  DM Dra		(RA = 15h34m01s.33, Dec = +59d47'02".0)

    P. Schmeer reported a rare outburst of DM Dra, a large amplitude dwarf 
  nova.  The magnitude reached 14.1 on October 18 (vsnet-campaign-dn 213).
  T. Kato commented that the object had been monitored visually for several 
  years, but there was no confirmed outburst reported to VSNET, except two 
  suspected sightings by T. Kinnunen (1998 Sep. 25, 16.0: and 2000 Sep. 30, 
  15.9:).  The current brightness and the duration of outburst very strongly 
  suggest a superoutburst (vsnet-campaign 538).

  RX J2315.5-3049	(RA = 23h15m31s.934, Dec = -30d48'45".53)

    As reported by R. Stubbings in [vsnet-outburst 810], RX J2315.5-3049 is 
  now undergoing an outburst.  Ouda team confirmed the outburst at the 
  magnitude of R=14.2 on October 26 (vsnet-campaign 539).  On October 27, 
  Ouda team found the object is brighter with the magnitude of R~13.6 
  (vsnet-campaign 542).  From their preliminary reduction, they detect clear 
  superhumps in ~3 hours light curve, which establishes this object is a new 
  member of SU UMa-type dwarf nova.   The period of the superhumps is about 
  0.078 d and the amplitude is about 0.3mag (vsnet-campaign 544).

  V1113 Cyg		(RA = 19h22m38s.62, Dec = +52d43'51".1)

    On October 21, it was reported that the dwarf nova, V1113 Cyg was in 
  outburst at the magnitude of 13.8-14.0.  The object was then faded 
  to <14.5 on October 23.  T. Kato commented the October 21 outburst may have 
  been a precursor to superoutburst (vsnet-campaign-dn 211).  

  GRB 001025A		(RA = 08h36m36s.5, Dec = -13d04'30")

    The RXTE All-Sky Monitor has detected a gamma-ray burst, beginning at
  about 03:10:05 UTC on 25 Oct 2000 (vsnet-grb 24).  B. Skiff presents 
  the sequence of the field in [vsnet-grb 26].  Ouda team took CCD images 
  with 60-cm telescope on October 26.79 and no new object has not detected 
  within the error box under the limiting magnitude of R=18 (vsnet-grb 27, 30).

  GRB 001025B		(RA = 18h21m40s.78, Dec = -05d8'34".45)

    Ulysses, NEAR, and KONUS-WIND observed this GRB at 71369 seconds.
  Ouda team taken CCD images with 60-cm telescope on October 27 9:00 (UT) 
  (vsnet-grb 29).

(continuous targets)
  V544 Her		(RA = 16h38m03s.20, Dec = +08d37'04".2)

    C. Kunjaya reported the results of photometry of V544 Her on October 19 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 217).

  IP Peg		(RA = 23h23m09s.07, Dec = +18d25'10".4)

    J. Pietz performed a time-series observation on October 22 and reported 
  the object brightened with a rate of ~2mag/d and eclipses with an amplitude 
  of 2.5mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 209).  The outburst is now ongoing.  
  The current magnitude is about 12.4-12.9 (vsnet-campaign-dn 223).

  BL Lac		(RA = 22h02m42.86s, Dec = +42d16'37.6")

    The object was slightly faded in the last week.  The reported magnitude 
  was 13.9-14.5 (vsnet-campaign-blazar 85, 87). 

  SN 2000ds		(RA = 09h11m36s.24, Dec = +60d01'42".2)

    A. V. Filippenko reports on IAUC 7511 that SN 2000ds would be of 
  type Ib SN.  The spectrum suggests that it is an old supernova 
  (vsnet-campaign-sn 104).

  PKS 2005-489		(RA = 20h05m47.4s, -48d58'45".0)

    The bright state continues.  The current magnitude is about 12.3mag 
  (vsnet-campaign-blazar 86).

  SY Vol		(RA = 08h53m28s.9, Dec = -71d12'29".9)

    The another outburst was detected by R. Stubbings on October 27 
  at the magnitude of 14.5 (vsnet-campaign-dn 218).

*** General information ***

  IY UMa
    A. Oksanen calculated a new eclipse ephemeris using eclipses observed 
  during January, April, and September outbursts:

	T = 2451818.30578( +/- 0.00017) + 0.07391213( +/- 0.00000020) * E

					[vsnet-campaign 541]

  RX J2315.5-3049
    CCD image taken at Ouda observatory on October 27:
					[vsnet-campaign 543]

(This summary is reproduction free.)

Makoto Uemura

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