NSV08383 outburst As reported by Berto Monard, the dwarf nova NSV 08383 is in outburst. The present brightness rivals that of the 1999 February - March outburst, which lasted as least five days. YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer 20000720.540 <152 (A. Pearce) 20000724.512 <152 (A. Pearce) 20000813.540 <145 (A. Pearce) 20000906.719 <143 (B. Monard) 20000917.716 141 (B. Monard) All sorts of observations (including time-resolved photometry) are urgently requested, as indicated below. Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team ============================================================================= Past information: [vsnet-alert 2715] NSV 08383 in Ara is indicated in the CV atlas rev 1997as ug: 13.5p-(15.5p at pos (2000) 17 16 53 -65 32 42 My visual observation of the variable: NSV08383 990227.11 142 MLF no sequence previous observation NSV08383 990223.99 <138 MLF Follow up with UBVRI photometry will confirm the cv nature of this object. I found the variable located slightly (40 arcsec) SSW of the indicated coordinates. Regards, Berto Monard Pretoria [vsnet-alert 2727] Dear VSNET readers, I have identified NSV 08383 at its outburst position with star USNO-A2.0 0225-27288943 at location 17 16 52.75 -65 32 47.1 This star has a quiescent magnitude around 17.3 and B-R=0.7 which indicates the blue colour of this object when compared to neighbouring stars of that brightness level at quiescence. I am confident that NSV08383 is a cv in outburst and not like V2323 Sgr and now recently V2038 Sgr which are non cvs and probable Mira stars. It would be very opportune to have this outburst confirmed and specified by UBVRI (at least blue-red) measurements. I propose the following comparison stars, calibrated vs a nearby GSPC sequence, USNO-A2.0 refers: 0225-27292846 at 17 16 59.3 -65 32 17 , mag 143 0225-27286104 at 17 16 48.0 -65 31 36 , mag 139 0225-27277133 at 17 16 33.0 -65 31 42 , mag 147 These sequence stars are sufficiently 'white' to allow proper visual comparison to bluish NSV 08383. My recent observations using the above sequence NSV08383 990223.99 <139 MLF NSV08383 990227.11 142 MLF NSV08383 990228.106 141 MLF Best regards, Berto Monard Pretoria [vsnet-alert 4107] The suspected dwarf nova NSV 08383 in Ara is currently undergoing an outburst as detailed below: Feb 1.819UT >15.0 Feb 2.799UT 14.7 The Downes and Shara (1997) position for this UG is 17h 16m 53s and -65d 32m 42s. I believe that the star may be located approximately 7-8" southeast of this position judging by the observation made last night. It would be useful for astrometry to be performed during this outburst and possible spectroscopy to verify the nature of this star. Regards Andrew Pearce (PEX)