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[vsnet-campaign 498] V344 Lyr outburst

V344 Lyr outburst

  Separate, short outbursts (very unusual for this object)?  Confirmation
of the behavior is needed.  Please note the star may have changed its
outburst properties in a time-scale of decades (see also Kato 1993,
PASJ 45, L67).

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20000904.833  <150  (M. Reszelski)
  20000905.185  <144  (M. Simonsen)
  20000905.848  <148  (M. Reszelski)
  20000906.108  <144  (M. Simonsen)
  20000906.780  <154  (T. Kinnunen)
  20000907.208  <144  (M. Simonsen)
  20000907.780   152  (T. Kinnunen)
  20000909.790  <154  (T. Kinnunen)
  20000910.790  <150  (T. Kinnunen)
  20000911.769  <152  (T. Kinnunen)
  20000912.780   152  (T. Kinnunen)
  20000912.930  <148  (G. Poyner)
  20000913.162  <139  (M. Simonsen)
  20000913.790  <152  (T. Kinnunen)
  20000914.810  <150  (T. Kinnunen)
  20000915.800   153  (T. Kinnunen)

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