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[vsnet-campaign 400] BR Lup possible superoutburst

BR Lup possible superoutburst

  Another potential target for time-resolved photometry for the collaboration

  The SU UMa-type dwarf nova BR Lup is reported to be undergoing a bright
outburst, possibly superoutburst.  The last superoutburst of this star
was reported in 2000 March (not fully covered by observations).

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20000720.376  <146  (R. Stubbings)
  20000720.510  <150  (A. Pearce)
  20000724.550  <148  (R. Stubbings)
  20000727.492   137  (R. Stubbings)
  20000727.560   137  (R. Stubbings)

Taichi Kato

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