Dear colleagues, V1504 is still undergoing the superoutburst with the mean period 0.07d, as it was found by D. Nogami earlier, and amplitude, which evolved from 0.25 mag to 0.15 mag during 5 days since the begining of the superoutburst. Note that ~1' to the North from V1504 Cyg there is another variable star (USNO A2.0 alpha = 19h 28m 57.9; delta = 43o 06' 25".3) - W UMa-like binary with amplitude 0.3mag and P=0.3501d (E. Pavlenko, IBVS N4671, 1999) - don't use it as the comparison star! You also have opportunity to study these two variables simultaniously. Best wishes, Elena Pavlenko