1432-0033: eclipsing SU UMa-type in superoutburst Dear Colleagues, As reported by Tonny Vanumuster in [vsnet-alert 5052], the system has been confirmed to be a genuine eclipsing SU UMa-type dwarf nova, which had been suggested from quiescent spectroscopy and recent superhump amplitude [vsnet-campaign 257]. Please continue observing this object as one of the top priority targets. Probably the next (super)outbursts during the good visibility seasons will provide a great opportunity in studying the accretion disk structure, as we have got great successes in DV UMa and IY UMa. After finishing the present coverage, the VSNET Collaboration team will invoke an intenesive campaign when the next outburst is caught! (Quiesecent observations are, of course, also very welcome). cf. http://vsnet.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/vsnet/DNe/dvuma9912.html http://vsnet.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/vsnet/DNe/tmzv85.html From Tonny's announcement in [vsnet-alert 5052]: > An analysis of the 1432-0033 = Vir4 CCD data sets of CBA Belgium and > CBA Pakuranga, securely has revealed the existence of eclipses in this > newly detected [see VSNET-ALERT 5037] UGSU type dwarf nova. Data were > obtained on June 26/27 (CBA Belgium), June 28/29 (CBA Belgium), June 29 > (CBA Pakuranga) and June 30, 2000 (CBA Pakuranga). > > Eclipse profiles have an average depth of 0.9 mag and a duration of > approx. 15 min (visual inspection of light curve!). The orbital period > of 1432-0033, derived from eclipse timings spread over the period > mentioned above, is 0.0726 d. More precise values will be communicated > after a detailed analysis of all available data has been carried out. [vsnet-campaign 257,261] is repeated here: The object is naturally brought to the VSNET campaign program! Please continue to keep a watch! Judging from the large amplitude of superhumps, the system might be a (grazing) eclisper. Regards, Taichi Kato --- As reported in vsnet-alert, the ealier announcement [vsnet-campaign 257] contained B1950.0 coordinates. The true J2000.0 coordinates are 14 35 00.08, -00 46 06.0 (J2000.0, vsnet-alert 2966, precessed) 14 35 00.14, -00 46 07.0 (J2000.0, vsnet-alert 5044, DWS) There is also a page: http://vsnet.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/vsnet/gcvs/1432-0033.html Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team