CI Aql further fading! Kyoto observations on June 4 (observer: K. Matsumoto and M. Uemura) indicates even more rapid fading of CI Aql (at 0.3 mag/d). On the declining trend, an eclipse-like feature is present around (slightly earlier) the predicted secondary eclipse. Since the object is now quickly evolving, more time-resolved observations at all phases are certainly extremely encouraged. The VSNET Collaboration team would love to receive any more data to complete the coverage of this unique eclipsing recurrent nova. Please use vsnet-campaign for communications. mid UT V-C err N ---------------------------------- 20000523.753 -0.523 0.033 580 C 20000524.749 -0.378 0.021 577 C 20000525.729 -0.381 0.025 394 C 20000529.752 -0.078 0.021 500 C 20000601.761 0.435 0.044 318 C 20000603.768 0.846 0.033 223 C 20000604.744 1.155 0.032 462 C Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team